Seaburry Defeated

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He stood there with his mouth open he had finally been outsmarted by someone. He didn't seem to be used to being outsmarted. He opened and closed his mouth a few times as if the words would just come out on their own.

"Stop that you look like a fish, oh wait that's an insult to fish never mind carry on!" I said cheerfully. The room was silent someone had even paused the blasting music. Everyone was staring at me like I was some sort of hero or something and I'm not gonna lie it felt pretty good. Then little by little they all started clapping. Clapping like I was good at this, like this was something I could be proud of.

I then saw Laurens staring at me with a look of admiration but as soon as he met my glance he turned red and his hands figited with his phone.

"That was really cool." He said flatly, he was hiding something the question was what?

"No problem it was easy doesn't anyone have the courage to stand up to him?" I asked

"No your the first."

"Wow I really didn't know he had that much power I guess."

"Yea," he said but nothing more he still wouldn't make eye contact.

"What's up why won't you look at me?" I pushed.

"I don't know, no reason I guess." But he still wouldn't look at me.

I took his chin in my hand and pointed his face towards mine.

"Look at me!"

He raised his eyes to mine slowly. There was fear etched in every freckle of his tan face.

"What are you so afraid of?" I asked.

"I have the same shirt." He's answered. His eyes widened at what he said and he clapped his hands about his mouth.

"Laurens wait!" I yelled but it was too late. He had bolted out of the door as soon as he had finished the last sentence. I ran out the door. I didn't look it but I was quite fast I saw his slim figure about 200 feat ahead of me

I sprinted toward him but he started to speed up.

"Laurens stop I need to tell you something!" I yelled he slowed but didn't stop completely.

I was nearly caught up to him when he stopped completely.

"Look Alexander I really, really, don't want to talk about it." He said

"Yes but, I really need to talk about it Laurens." I grabbed his wrist so he couldn't run away again.

"Look, Alex, you might be alright with being openly gay and all but I'm just not, ok?"

"Yes Laurens I understand but the thing is- the thing is, I like you Laurens I really do and it's really hard for me to see you struggling like this." For the first time he willingly looked me in the eye. There were tears in his eyes. I embraced him tightly and he leaned on my shoulder shaking. I rubbed circles on his back and I could feel his vertebrae.

"Have you been eating? I can feel your spine." I asked not really wanting to know the answer. He shook his head in response. I felt sick. It was my fault. John wasn't eating and it was all my fault. The thought stuck in my brain even though I knew it wasn't true, I had known him for less than a day. I couldn't help but blame myself for his pain.

"Look buddy you need to eat how far away is your house?" I asked

"A while away." He said his breath shaky and uneven. I made a decision, he was under my strict care until he started eating again. I don't know how I would manage this, but I hated the fact that he was this banged up, physically and emotionally.

"Well I'm gonna take you back to the school dorm and get you some real food."

"Thank you." He sobbed into my shoulder.

It started to rain and as it poured John nestled closer to my side. It felt good even though he was almost dead on his feet. We reached the dorms a few minutes later it seemed arm, hand in hand.

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