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I was siting on a bench in central park throwing bits of my lunch on the ground for the pidgins. A young boy was walking across my path when he tripped over my sandwich container.

"Ouch!" He yelped as his forearms hit the ground stopping the force of the fall.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" I said as he hit the pavement.

"Oh it's fine I'm dead clumsy anyways and it's just a few scrapes I'll be fine." He said brushing the dirt gravel and bits of turkey sandwich from the rather nasty cuts on his arms.

"Are you sure? Those look quite bad?" The boy was honestly quite cute and, well, I couldn't help but wonder if he swung both ways like me.

"Yea." He said wincing when he got up.

"Well where are you going? May I walk you there?" I asked politely hoping to spend more time with him. I vaguely recognise him but I can't remember from where.

"I'm just going to class in that building over there." He pointed to my school. So I have seen him before probably in the hallways or something maybe an assembly?

"So that shouldn't be a problem I go to NYC High too my next class starts in ten minutes I'll walk you to yours and then I can go to mine." I explained.

"Oh ok, but if anyone asks I was defending you from a flock of angry pidgins I didn't trip over a turkey sandwich ok?" He laughed gesturing to his elbows.

"Fine," I paused "I never did catch your name?"

"Oh John Laurens but use my last name or I will slap you."

"Alexander Hamilton your free to use my first name though I don't really like my last name though you best not use it." I replied.

I picked up my bag and lunch. He obliged for my offer to carry his bag. I took his bag on my left arm. *Ding* it wasn't my phone I had a special ringtone for my phone. Laurens dug into his pockets finally fishing out his iPhone. He held it up to his ear.

"Hey Laf!"

"No, why?"

"Yea ok I'll be there."

"Oh I just got a bit side tracked thats all."

"Yeah I met this really nice guy who I was protecting from a wild flock of pidgins!"

"Yeah, I'll see if he wants to come."

He blocked the receiver with his hand.

"My friends and I are having a party tonight want to tag along?" He asked me. I nodded eagerly in a response to his question. He held his phone back up to his ear.I had never been to a proper party before.

"He's in!"

"No Laf he's right here I'm not talking about that!"

Through the snippets of conversation I could tell they were talking about me though about what I did not know. I decided to stop thinking about it as it would only lead to more anxiety, spending more time with this Laurens character was my main girl right now.

School dragged on for what seemed like forever but it was probably because I actually had something to look forward to. I mean ever since mum died I was just kind of known as "that depressed kid" which sounds way worse than it actually was. Class had just ended and I went to grab my things from my locker when John tapped me on the shoulder. He turned around and my hair fell in my eyes. I pulled it back out of my face and put it in its costomary ponytail.

"I never did get your phone number?" He asked blushing slightly. I wondered what this was about he didn't seem the embarrassed type.

"Oh yeah sorry about that!" I asked tearing a sheet out of my notebook and scribbling my number down in sloppy handwriting.

"Thanks!" He said accepting the piece of paper.

A few seconds later i was added to a group chat with three other people in it.


2pintssamadams: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy everyone this is Alex the one that I protected from the flawk of wild pidgins

Mr. Baguette: ayyyyyyy mon ami!

Lockupyohourses: no laf don't scare him away with ur frenchfryness

A. Ham: son amende je sais trop français

2pintssamadams: nOoooooOoooOOOOooo can't handle this last time we had a French friend laf talked to him ONLY in French for a week just to annoy us

Lockupyohorses: yes plz no

Mr. Baguette: fiiine

A. Ham: where do I have to be for this party and when

Lockupyohorses: my place it's just up the street

2pintssamadams: yea mulligans house is the biggest so we'll have it there it's on Claremont St. third from the west end on the right

I needed to get home because if the party started in a few hours I needed to finish my homework even though it was a Friday I needed to catch up on my advanced load as well. I picked up my laptop bag and headed back to the dorm building the high school provided the students that needed a place to stay.

My phone continued to buzz as their conversation continued but I ignored it they were very talkative people. I sat down on my bed and opened my laptop and began typing my essay on how Lin- Manuel Miranda started our financial system. About an hour later I checked the time and saw that I had 30 minutes to get ready. I quickly brushed my knotted hair and put it back in place in its ponytail and put the normal 1/2 a can of hairspray in it. I changed out of my uniform into black jeans and my gay pride tshirt which was the only clean shirt I had left. Hoping I would still be accepted in it I walked down the street to Hercules Mulligan's house.

There was loud music coming from the living room.

"Ayyyyyyyy Alex nice shirt!" Laurens yelled as I approached the door. His head was sticking out the window next to it. "Come in your only a little late." He said after I had climbed the front steps and opened the door. I entered the rather large house. Mulligan's parents were out of town for the weekend so it was a good spot for a party. There was a laptop set in the corner with a list of songs that you could add to. Every once in a while Laff would go over delete songs and add a few.

"Who's that?" I asked Laurens pointing to a boy across the room to a boy standing on the table yelling very loud indeed.

"Oh, him, that's Samuel Seaburry he's a big jerk that can't keep his mouth shut!" Laurens said.

"Hey Seaburry why can't you just shut up for once?" I yelled across the room.

"Alex no don't do that!" Laurens grabbing my arm.

To late Seaburry had heard my retort.

"What did you say to me?" He said jumping down off the table.

"Why can't you shut up?" I repeated.

"Because idiots like you make me need to explain why I'm better than you."

"How long did it take you to come up with that? You don't seem the smart type?"

"You're such a little bitch you know that?"

"Well bitch is the word for female dog. Dogs bark. Bark is on trees. Trees are nature. We all know nature is beautiful so you just called me beautiful, thank you." I said hating the fact that I remembered that stupid middle school comeback.

" No you're definitely ugly." He snapped back at me.


"Yup definitely!"

"I was trying to look like you apparently I pulled it off." I smirked at his dumbfounded face.

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