Old Friend

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I kissed James forehead as he silently slept in his little bed hugging his little teddy bear that belonged to his dad.

I turned off the light,slowly shut the door and went to sit in the living room. It was this time of the day when I felt the loneliest. I turned off the tv and went though all the channels but nothing good was on. I grabbed a chocolate and went into the little room that only I knew about. I waved my wand and the wall soon turned into a door.

I slightly smiled as I walked into the room. Inside the room there was pictures and memories of Fred. There were many pictures of my time at Hogwarts with him or pictures of all the Weasleys having fun at the burrow.

A tear escaped my eyes when I saw a ring box lying on the little drawer at the side. I opened it up and looked at the ring that I should be wearing but all these years I was too busy hiding from the truth and keeping James away from the truth.

He never knew that his father was dead, all he  thought was that he was far way in the stars looking for a way to come back someday. But that wasn't going to happen.

He had never seen the Weasleys because of me. I was too scared to face them again after all these years. They didn't even know about James. Well apart from Ginny. She was the only one who I could speak to. She visited me at least once a week.

I felt terrible about not telling anyone especially George. He lost his twin.

Just as I was about to pick up the ring I heard a crash from the living room. I grabbed my wand and ran outside to see what had happened. It was dark but I could make out the outline of whoever it was.

Tall.Good Build.Definitely a man.

Before I knew it I was had started hitting him and throwing what ever I could at him and then I heard loud shouts from him. I knew that voice.

I turned on the light and saw George Weasley standing in front of me as he rubbed his arm.

"Ow..I didnt you had that in you" he said casually.

"George?!! What the hell are you doing here?" I asked loudly.

He stared at me wildly looking at me as if I was mental.

"Nice to see you too" he replied sitting down onto the couch.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked folding my arms still standing up.

"I bribed Ginny" he said as he flicked through the channels.

"Put the volume down! James is sleeping" I ordered as his face was suddenly serious.

He stood up and grabbed me by the arms. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" he asked as his grip tightened.

"You're hurting me George!" I said trying to loosen his grip on my arms.

"Sorry" he apolgized as he sat back down.

I sighed and started explaining. "I was confused and I didnt know what to do. I was scared about everyone's reaction so I decided to keep it a secret and never see you again. I didnt want to go back to the place where he..." I stopped and sat down on the opposite couch.

"Why are you here,George?" I asked quietly.

"To take you and James to your real home. To the Burrow.That's his and your home" he said getting up.

"I know but it's too late" I replied sadly.

"It's never too late" he said.

He looked at me and sighed. "Okay,can I at least see James before I leave?" he asked hopefully.

"Why not?" I said leading him to James room.

I slowly opened the door and lead him into the room.

"Try not to wake him up" I whispered as he knelt beside his bed.

He nodded and smiled at him."He looks just like Fred. Mom would be overwhelmed when she sees him" he whispered smiling widely.

I smiled and leaned against the door frame.

George got up and made his way out of the room.  He shut the door behind and started talking.

"You dont have to go now if you want but I hope you'll be coming home soon" he smiled and gave me one of the hugs that he did in our school times.

I hugged him back and he apparated.

I yawned and decided to go to sleep for now. Maybe I should go to the Burrow.

I will Try to Fix You (Sequel to Mischief Managed)Where stories live. Discover now