3. Reality vs. Fantasy

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Reality vs. Fantasy

      Have you ever had a dream, where it was so good that you felt that it was real? 

      Then, you wake up and there's reality; laughing at how silly you were thinking life was perfect. 

             Why can't life be like this?

             Why'd I have to wake up?

                Why is life so hard?

  Life is hard, and sometimes we all wish that everything would go as planned. But, reality always comes and bites you in the ass. 

   My advice is wake up and look into reality, because that's how life is. Reality is bitter, like drinking milk after tooth brushing. But, life works in different ways and you just got to go through the flow. 

  We all have different plans, but what we don't know is how our faith will turn out. But, always stay positive because everything will get better. Maybe not now, but soon. You just have to have patience.  

                   And just maybe, your fantasy will be your reality. 

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