4. A Disappointment

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A disappointment 

   The feeling of disappointing someone hurts on so many levels. 

       "I was a little disappointed in your grades."

       "I am so disappointed in you."

          "You're such a disappointment."

           "I'm calling your dad, I am so disappointed, I don't think this will work because you need to leave." 

    Being a disappointment is one of the worst feelings ever. It makes you feel like shit and tends to make you hate yourself. 

  For me, I'm always a disappointment. And I hate it. I just hate disappointing people. It's one of my fears, because I feel like they're going to leave me because of it. I know some people who have made me look at world so differently, that I feel like everything has to be perfect in life. And honestly, when I screw up I feel like crap and that everybody hates me. 

    Just hearing someone say that they're disappointed in you, makes you want to hide in a hole forever and never come out. It hurts, a lot. 

   Sometimes, I can't take it. I just want to screw up even more to piss them off. But, there's still a part of me that's so frightened of being left alone because of my failures. 

    But, I'm telling you now, nobody's perfect. Don't try to be, because what's the point? Nothing's perfect in life. There is always going to be a problem here and there. My advice? Just try your best in life and you'll make it through life. 

   Don't let people influence you to be perfect because when you are "perfect'', there's no coming back. When you make that first mistake, you will be a disappointment. And it sucks. 

   So don't put yourself through that pain and just try your best. That's all you can do. 

    Just remember, nobody and nothing is perfect. Mistakes were designed to learn from them, not to cry about and be disappointed on. 

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