Chapter 15- Escaping again!!!

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Everything fell silent.

Obviously that wasn't going to last.


"Ooooohhhhhh, who lives in a pineapple under the sea!" Blake screamed.

"Your brain!" Sophie answered grinning.

Blake pouted."Gosh, no need to be mean." He said before holding up 5 disc's."I got movies!"

"Please, not The Lego movie." Mitch say's from the lounge from next to Lucy.

Blake ignores him."We got, The hunger games, Bat Man the Dark night rises, Nanny cam,The fault in our stars and.....The Lego Movie."

Mitch groanes.

"Okay, we gonna vote!" Blake says.

"Who want to watch the hunger games?"


"Bat man?"


"Nanny cam?"


"Don't you guys dare do want I think your gonna do!" Mitch says from the couch.

"The fault in our stars?"


Blake smirks." All in favor of The Lego Movie say aye."

"Aye!" Everyone except Mitch and Kyle say at the same time.

"I hate you all, except Kyle and Lucy." Mitch mumbles.

"Don't worry Mitch, we all hate you too!" Sophie says from the other couch next to Amaya.

So everyone sat down and watched the movie. Well except for Mitch who stuffed his face into a pillow and made inhuman noises whenever 'everything is awesome' came on.

"EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!!!" Blake screamed which made Mitch sit up.

"You just made the song worse by screami- I mean singing like that."

"EVERYTHING IS COOL WHEN YOUR PART OF A TEAM!!!!" He screams again, ignoring Mitch's statement.

"My sister always hated this song." Amaya said from the other couch, she paused realizing what she said."My sister..."

Blake stops singing and pauses."uh, how about we watch another movie?!"

"The fault in our stars!!" Lucy all but screamed.

"The fault in our stars it is." Blake says putting the movie on.

Near the end of the movie

All the boys, except Kyle who had to go somewhere, all started crying near the end of the movie. The girls were crying as well, but the boys were a different story.

"Maybe okay can be our always? Okay?"


"No...." Blake said clutching a pillow to his chest and sobbing."Not Augustus, you were so, so..."

"Perfect." Sophie finishes.

"But now, dead." Mitch says, wiping the tears from his eyes so no one can see.

"Oh my god! Mitch is crying!" Sophie screamed.

"What! No I'm not, I just have...something in my eye." He says acting like he's trying to get something out of his eye.

"Totally believable." Amaya says grinning.

"Shut up." Mitch answers back.


That night...

Amaya and Sophie sit up in their bed head to toe in black.

"I feel like a ninja." Amaya whispered.

Sophie gave her look, telling her to shut up.

Amaya nodded. They walked up to the window and slide it open, they looked down. They were 3 stories up.

Sophie pulled out her makeshift rope that's made out of bed sheets and a couple of dresses that Amaya found in the wardrobe.

They chucked the 'rope' out the window and tied the end to the bed leg.

Sophie went out first, since she was the lightest, and miraculously she got down to the bottom without injuring her self.

Now it was Amaya's turn.

Oh god....


Guys, do ya see that? Huh, huh, do ya?

Over 400 views, bitches! Yeah!

I slay! I slay! I slay! Okay not really, my writing really sucks, a lot. But still you guys deal with the bad grammer!

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*walks out with Aphabet boy by Melanie martinez playing in the background and me wearing a unicorn onsie*

Bitch what you looking at?

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