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10 months later.

"Wait a second you were her stalker?"

"Yes I was, and you were the person who tried to kill Danny Concannon?"

"Correct we should break out and kidnap him, because if we do anything to him we hurt her."


"Come on let's do it."

"Ok, how do you say we will break out of here."

"When they change guards I have a friend who is impersonating one of them, and he will let us out."

......Two Weeks Later.................................

"You wanted to see me Ron."

"I just got word that there was two prisoners that escaped."

"Who are they?"

"Brad Oswald, and CJ's stalker from a few years ago."

"It is a good thing that she has protection do we need to put Danny under a protection detail?"

"Yes we do. We are sending some people over there right now."

"Thank you, I am going to go tell CJ." He goes to her office "hay CJ I have something to tell you that you are not going to like."

"What is happened now."

"Brad Oswald and your stalker has escaped from prison."

"WHAT!!???!!?!?!?!?!?!?! We have to get Danny to The West Wing right away, so both he and our daughter can be save." Her phone starts to ring "hello oh God is Lucy save?"

"We are still looking in the house."

"Have you checked the bathroom, because sometimes when we get home and set her down she runs to the bathroom."

"She's here."

"Thank you,bring me my daughter and go find my husband NOW!"

"I'm on it Mrs.Concannon."

"Danny is missing. They were able to find Lucy.


"Daddy hurry up I have to use the bathroom."

"One second sweat pee. There you go." She runs in before a car drives up.

"Excuse me sir do you know how to get to The White House?" Danny doesn't notice Brad get out of the car and snatch him up.


CJ is waiting for her daughter to arrive in the side of the White House "mommy I don't know where daddy is I ran into the bathroom, and the next thing I know these guys' right here are using the secret password."

"Sweetie there are good people out there looking for daddy."

"It is all of my fault mommy if I stayed with daddy he wouldn't have ran to use the potty he would still be here."

"Honey there is some very bad people out there who want to hurt mommy, and one of the ways to hurt mommy is to take you or daddy, and if both of you were gone I don't know what I would do, because I couldn't get a Concannon hug." She leans into give her daughter a hug "you know what I am feeling better getting a hug from my little girl. Now go with Grandma Abbey and she will make a treat for going with someone with the secret password." CJ looks around when her phone rang. "Hello"

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