~• Chapter 5 •~

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You smiled at Papyrus, and he returned a weak one.

"Something the matter Papy?" you warmly smiled at him.

"Nah, guess you could just say I'm bone tired right now" Papyrus chuckled before he fell asleep while standing, you wondered how that worked.

You poked him softly in the chest to see how strong he'll hold.
You continuous poked him until...

Papyrus began to lean forward, you let out an 'eep' as Papyrus timbered ontop of you, even after this he was still sound asleep.

Your face was as red as a tomato, this was very uncomfortable, especially with him ontop, though either way would be uncomfortable top or bottom, and you completely disliked where his skull was resting. (Take a guess...yup, your chest area). He also had his knee cap near your lower area..

(Forgive me -3-)

You tried to shove him, push him, roll him, and kick him off but, the dude was heavier than you expected.

Sighing in defeat you laid there for a bit to think about what you should do.

"Pa-Papyrus..." you spoke to him while tapping his skull.
No response, so you tried again, but a bit louder.

"Papyrus..!" you spoke up as you knocked on his skull.
Still nothing.
You groaned and shook his skull,
That did it.

You let go of Papyrus' skull as he was up lifting his head, accidentally shoving his knee to your *cough*.

"PAPYRU- ahhh!" you shrieked, which made Papyrus confused and a little flustered.

You were burning up badly, you whole face was red and pink, your body was sweating, there was a hint of lust on your skin.

"P-Papy...~" you huffed a warm cloud, Papyrus looked down at you nervously.

"Yo-you fell on top of me after I-I tried to figure out how yo-u were standing in your sl-sleep..." your voice was shaky as you explained, "T-then, you fell on...on top of m-me...Having your skull on my *cough* and your knee near my *cough*".

As you finished explaining Papyrus' cheekbones and nosebone were covered in orange blush.

Papyrus quickly stood up and ran to his room, you heard his door slam. He left you on the floor, as you were still completely embarrassed about what just happened.

I-I should've just left him alone at where he stood...this is all my fault...
Now we're both embarrassed...should've left the sleepy skeleton alone....

Agh, I'm just gonna give the two of us space...I'll then check on him...
I'm sorry Papy...


Well, I can't believe I wrote that but, good thing this Fanfic is marked as mature...
I'm sorry if this made you uncomfortable, ha no I'm not.
Its the whole point of this Fanfic, to know how the character feels and stuffs...


Stay tuned my

Lazy Love - UnderSwap Papyrus x Reader-Chan Where stories live. Discover now