~• Chapter 7 •~

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Let's just get this over with already...

You sighed and slowly opened up Papyrus' door.
"Papyrus?" you called for him.


Your tail swayed a little as you found Papyrus on his bed.
You grinned.

Now's my chance to get back at the rascal...

You got down on all fours and quietly went to the end of his mattress and climbed up ontop of him, you snapped your fingers and a sharpee appeared in your palm, you smirked.

Say hello to 'puberty' Papy...

You started to scribble a fancy mustache on Papyrus' face, once you were finished, you silently laughed at him, until...

You felt boney cold hands on each of your thighs near your butt.
"H-huh..?" you were startled.

"Guess I've caught the curious kitten~" Papyrus grinned as he 'woke' up. He wiped the mustache off like no problem. You suddenly head the door slam shut and lock, you jumped a little.

"Ah, gosh. Stay still will ya?" Papyrus said as he sat up wrapping his arms around you, your ears went back as you narrowed your eyes at him.

So much for my attempt...

"Papy, lemme go!" you whined as you tried to shove him off, but his grip was so firm that you weren't gonna get anywhere..

"Sorry, but your in my domain now~" Papyrus smirked as he kissed you. This surprised you by a lot, as a natural reaction...

You slapped him.

Papyrus was stunned a bit and his firm grip loosened, you took your chance and escaped his arms, now to get out of here...

You tried to twist the door open, which was useless, it was obviously locked, so, you tried breaking down the door and started screaming for Sans.

"Get over here you little brat...this is no way to treat someone.." Papyrus growled as he yanked your shirt collar, earning a yip from you.

You ended up in Papyrus' lap again, which was uncomfortable to you. You looked away from him as he looked at you.

"Look at me kid..please..." Papyrus muttered, you looked at him. You weren't really looking forward to having a bad time, (huehueh).

Papyrus hugged you, you hugged back sighing.

"Pap, I'm just not one of these people who want to rush into a relationship, if that's what you're thinking..." you murmur into his 'ear'.

Papyrus laughed a little, "Kid, I wasn't thinking that and, neither am I one of those people, monsters, who rushes straight into a relationship. I just wanted to play around...".
You nodded as you understood what he meant.

"Papy?" you spoke softly.
"Hm?" Pap hummed.
"I'll stay...if that's what you're wanting..".
"Heh, as much as I would love for you to stay here with us, I'm pretty sure your parents are still attached to their child..." Pap chuckled.
"Papy?" you said again.
"Hmm?" Papyrus hummed.

"I don't want to leave..I want to stay here..." you say as you laid your head on his shoulder, "...with you..".


(Paps' POV)

I stayed silent after what Y/N had said to me.

'I don't want to leave..I want to stay here...with you..'.

Her voice echoed in my skull. What did she mean she wanted to stay? She lives with her parents....she still has school to attend to since she's still at the age of law, well, in the human world.

I end the hug as she pulls up to look at me. I mean, I want her to stay with Sans and I, but, I can't just take her away from her parents..no..Sans, Eva and her husband would be displeased with me if I did.

"Y/N...", I say as I look down. I felt her gaze on me as she waited for me to continue on.
"You...can't stay, you still needed in the human world.." I sighed. Y/N looked away frowning, damn, seeing her beautiful smile disappear and be replaced with a frown was no fun at all.

I put my hand on her cheek, she looked at me and showed me a warm weak smile, I know she doesn't want to go back.

How 'bout I just ask her parents if she could just stay with us and she could be educated at Asgore's school? She'd fit right in, after all she's a hybrid. It's be no big deal to her parents, right?

"Hey kiddo, don't be sad. I'll...I'll try talking to your parents about this, alright?", I just want her to be happy.

Y/N nodded with a smile, "Sounds good to me, but, I should probably go with you". I nodded, knowing it'd probably be best if she did come.


It was then settled, we both agreed to talk to her parents about letting her stay with Sans and I.

Geez, I hope they allow it...


Sorry for cutting the chapter a but short, I think.
It's flipping midnight right now where I'm at!
Well, my lovelies...
Imma get my beauty sleep...
I'll continue a but later alright?

Stay tuned,
My Lovelies~

Lazy Love - UnderSwap Papyrus x Reader-Chan Where stories live. Discover now