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Chapter One


"Do you see him?"

"I heard he got arrested for trying to murder his stepfather."

"My mom says he's a devil worshiper."

My ears perked up at all of the comments being thrown around by the students of Aroyo High. My eyes were fixated on the tall figure though, as he walked through the halls with two police officers and his hands handcuffed behind his back. His hair was up in a curly brown quaff and from afar I could clearly tell that his deep green eyes were glaring at the gossiping students around him.

My eyes never left him as he walked past me, but right when he was in front of me, I got pushed against and him and my books all tumbled down to the ground. Along with me. I tried hiding my face in humiliation and blindly searched for my glasses that had fallen to the floor.

 As my hands patted the ground, I suddenly felt a hard leather object under my touch. Students around me gasped and that's when I realized that I had just touched his foot. I had just touched Harry Styles' black leather boots and all eyes were on me.

 "Lose something, love?" The thick British accent spoke and I slowly lifted my head to find the one and only Harry Styles, smirking down at me with my black glasses in hand. I nodded my head yes and his smirk only grew.

 I was helped back onto my feet by one of the African-American police officers and politely my books were handed back to me. All I needed now were glasses, but still they were in the hands of a dark soul.

 "Stop playing around and give the girl back her glasses, boy." One of the officers spoke in an intimidating voice and instantly I felt the rim of the frames touch my fingers and I quickly grasped the seeing object and placed them back onto my head. I quietly thanked the man and was about to walk away, when I heard my name being called.

 "I look forward to seeing you around, London." Of course it was Harry . His words seemed to cut deep into me and this only caused me to walk faster to my first period class, which was English Literature.


I sighed, setting my books down on my desk. Finally. I thought to myself when I remembered that it was the last class of the day and thankfully it was a Friday. Al throughout the day I managed to avoid Harry and the rest of the school. When I walked through the halls, I heard the whispers and caught the stares of the nosey teens, but me being me; I just ignored them and went on with my day, pretending that I had not noticed them.

 "Afternoon class!" Miss Samuels greeted us with the widest smile when she entered the room. Cringed at her high pitched voice, she was probably the loudest teacher here at Aroyo High, but she was always nice. Some say a little too nice.

 "Right you know the drill, raise your hand when I call your name." She went on calling the names of the numerous students.

 "London Samantha Collins?" I lifted my hand in the air and tried to escape the gaze of the class, all staring at me as if I was a statue that had suddenly moved.

 "Harry Edward Styles?"


"Harry?" Nothing. I looked around the class and Harry wasn't in his usual spot behind me. Miss Samuels sighed and continued ticking off the rest of the names until she was finally finished.

 "Right well, for your next English assignment, I am going to be pairing you all up in two. Your partner and you will have two months to get to know each other and then present a short biography of them in front of the class." She stated, I groaned softly. I hated group projects, I usually just do all the work, seeing as I'm quite a nerd.

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