A funny

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-OPV- (moments before Nina yells at Arielle)

Nina stared intently at the object in front of her. Her signature scowl was deepened just slightly, and her left fist clinched tightly at her side.

Vending machines really pissed her the fuck off.

She tried for the hundredth time to jam her crumpled dollar bill into the available slot and kicked the machine in frustration when yet again....it spat it out. This quickly backfired because seconds later she was hoping around, holding her foot, and cussing loudly. Apparently, balenciagas are no match for steel contraptions.

"Fucking bitch ass fucking machine. OL Pussy ass hoe!"

A nurse walked by.....she decided to mind her business, though she wondered how one could possibly be angry at an inanimate object.

Nina tried one last time to insert her dollar, and laughed nostalgically to herself when the machine chimed happily, signaling its acceptance of her beaten up dollar. She quickly punched in 22 and did a little happy jigg in anticipation as she watched the little coil move.

It's Dorito Time!

Unfortunately, the miniature package landed in an awkward position, preventing it from falling all the way to the bottom. It balanced awkwardly just above the point where Nina's hands could reach and she just about lost it. Now what?

Nina Valdez found herself ramming her body viciously into a fucking vending machine for the third time in her life, careless of the set of eyes watching her.

"Ma'am.....ma'am......please stop ramming the machine. You might tip it over, and you'll have to pay for the damages. Or worse.....you'll get hurt!"

Nina ignored he doctor and jumped up in down and triumph, squealing in a higher voice than she will ever be willing to admit. She pretended to clear her throat, and said in a slightly deeper voice....

"Well shit....if I get hurt....at least you're a doctor."

The doctor shook his head and walked swiftly away.

This is another new thing I'm adding. Little funnies for comic relief you know? lol hope y'all enjoyed😁

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