Haru P.O.V

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That was embarrassing, I understand that Shima and Aki are known to stumble upon me and Ren kissing but I mean, I was all over him... and we both said we loved each other... did Aki hear that? Does Aki now know that those so called friendly kisses are now more? Does he know now, i'm kinda sorta really gay???

He obviously knows all of this... I should hav- "HARU!!! WTF BRO! You and Ren are boyfriends!"

My face got more red than a tomato.
"Gaaahh! Ahhh! Who told you?!?!"
I already knew ofcourse.
"Ren did, he asked me if I approve of you guys."
"But Ren doesn't care about approval."
"Yah I know, he also said he doesn't care if I do or don't. He just kinda asked."

"Aki, shall I start dinner?" Aki gave me an annoyed face. "Gah! Hold on! How long has this been going on between you two?"
I didn't even know... at times I thought we loved each other... but then other times we treated each other like normal people. But now.... now we know...we love one another. I didn't know how to answer Aki.

"Uhh, well I'm actually not sure."
Steam seemed to be bursting out of Aki's ears. "Gaah! Baka baka baka! Nevermind, just make dinner already!"

Thoughts started to swirl around my head while boiling the rice. I was so happy Ren loved me back. I felt like a little kid with a crush! Mu stomach felt like butterflys and I could do nothing but smile! Right after I snapped out of my thoughts I noticed Ren was sitting on the counter behind me.

"R-ren! Hay, i'm making your favorite! Rice!" He just tilted his head and gave me a small grin. He jumped off the counter and gave me a tight hug. "R-ren."
"We don't always have to have rice." I knew that already, but I just love making Ren happy!

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