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Denis's POV

"Hello my loves!" Mum screamed making me and Sirens run downstairs and hugged her tightly almost making her fall.

She laughed and hugged us back gratefully and gave us a smile .

"We missed you" My little sister said making me nod in agreement.

"I missed you guys too, what did you do while I was gone?" She asked and we looked at each other.

"Well I stayed home and watched Netflix the usual"

"And I went on a date with Ben" I said and her eyes went wide, she was practically jumping around and hugging me making me laugh.

"Oh my god are you official?" I thought for a moment before shrugging I don't really know but either way she smiled.

"Oh you're growing up so fast my little baby"

"Mum I'm not a baby, you have Sirens though" I said making my sister hit me.

"I'm not a baby" Sirens whined and stuck her tongue out making me laugh at her immature self.

"Okay okay kids stop, Sirens could you bring me a glass of water?" Mum asked and the black hair girl complied disappearing into the kitchen.

"And you....I want you to bring Ben over for dinner" I giggled and nodded helping her get her luggage to the bedroom.

Once I finished helping mum I grabbed my phone and texted Ben to see if he wanted to come over to which he gladly accepted and promised to be here in an hour.

While that hour went by I got rid of my pajamas and threw on a band shirt with some skinny jeans and  decided to actually take the time to straighten my hair.

As time was getting closer I went over to the living room and just sat there watching TV with Sirens and mum while I waited for Ben's arrival.

"I'm so happy for you Den" Mum said making me look at her with a huge grin on my face, I was really happy with what I had and I wouldn't change it for anything else in the world.

"He's lovestruck mum" Sirens smirked making my mum laugh and nod in agreement while I grabbed a cushion and threw it at her yelling "Shut up!"

"Your sister is right though"

"Nope" I said and jumped as the doorbell echoed trough the walls of the living room, I smiled and opened the door.

"Hey princess" Ben said placing his hands on my waist while kissing me slowly.

"Well hello" I said as we pulled away.

"Come in mum wants to see you" I motioned for him to come in while I stepped aside giving him space to enter the house.

"Hello Mrs.Stoff" Ben waved at mum and mumbled a hello to Sirens who was still smirking like an idiot.

"Oh! Hello Ben I'm glad you could make it" My mother said and stood up hugging Ben and she winked at me, giving her a confused look I took Ben's hand when she pulled away.

"I'm gonna go finish dinner whit Sirens" She said and Sirens disappeared not before yelling a "Use protection!" Making both of us blush madly making me all nervous once again.

When we were left alone Ben picked me up and twirled around making me giggle "Stop!" I exclaimed as I was getting dizzy.

He laughed and kissed my head lovingly and carried me to my bedroom where he sat down next to me.

"I'm glad I met you" He said and I looked at him smiling, I was falling for  this boy  I couldn't see myself with somebody else. He may be a dick but he's my dick.

"I'm glad you talked to me" I climbed over to his lap and hid my face on the crook of his neck while Ben rubbed my back soothingly.

"And I'm glad I did love" He said and suddenly his expression changed to a sad one. I took his face in my hands making him look at me.

"What's wrong boo?" I pecked his lips while he looked down avoiding my gaze at all cost causing a frown to form on my face I don't like when he gets sad or angry I want him to be happy.

"I-I Denis I have to tell you something and I know you're probably gonna h-" He was cut off by Sirens who opened the door making him sigh.

"Dinners ready!" she yelled being her usual obnoxious self making me laugh a little just to return my attention to Ben.

"Whatever you have to tell me I'm here" I whispered on Ben's ear while he nodded and intertwined our fingers walking over to the kitchen.

"Take a seat" Mum said and we complied I sat down next to Ben who never let go off my hand.

Mum gave us our food and sat down, I took a look at the food before slowly taking some of the pasta on the fork.

Ben squeezed my hand and I looked at him who was smiling causing the same reaction on me.

We finished our food in silence and I stood up to clean the table along with Sirens leaving mum and Ben alone.

Ben's POV

As I helped Denis's mum put the food away she looked at me with a huge smile on her face.

"Thank you Ben...for making my son happy, I've never seen him like this ever since Anthony died" she said in all honesty making a knot form in my throat in this exact moment I felt so fucking guilty.

"I really like your son and I would never do anything to hurt him, he's everything to me and I wouldn't see myself without him" I said not really knowing of what I said was a lie or a fact, I gave a small smile and then Denis came in hugging me.

"Are you sure your mum doesn't mind you staying over?" Denis said in a small voice while placing his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm 100% sure love she doesn't mind" Earlier Denis asked Mrs.Stoff if I could stay over to which she gladly accepted with the condition of us going to sleep early and of course that my parents were okay with it.

Denis grabbed my hand and pulled me outside, we climbed over to the roof to which I pulled him to me and hugged his body tight

"Thanks for making me feel alive Ben , thank you for being there for me I couldn't ask for more"

I kissed his head and let out a single tear out of guilt, its sad how things are turning out and how stupid I was for accepting some shitty bet instead of talking to him voluntarily.

I was planning on telling him earlier because this was eating me alive I felt really guilty to the point that sometimes I couldn't fucking sleep because I was always thinking of what was going to happen if I told him or didn't  but Sirens came in and interrupted me.

Later she send me a message that went something along the lines of me not telling Denis so I complied and didn't say anything else mainly because I wasn't ready.

"Thank you for everything "

He said making me gulp and nod before mumbling a quick "Don't thank me"

I hate this and god do I hate myself?

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