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Things have changed me this summer and for years to come. I went to NC for a missionary trip and accepted God more in my life. I've gone months without cursing although I watch Markiplier and Jacksepticeye everyday. Funny events made me laugh. Sad ones made me cry. I cried the last day of the missionary trip because I was holding those tears because of my aunt. She had passed away during that week. Although I didn't know her all that well, she was family and seeing my family break down was the hardest part to keep going strong. Right now, we continue to struggle, but God is good and has better plans for us in the future. And now for the funny part. It's a conversation with my boyfriend. Our relationship is continuing ahead strong everyday. Our 1st year anniversary is in 4 months . I'm very excited!! So without further ado....
"Have the rest of my lemonade."
*hands me the cup but I refuse and hands it back*
"You bought it, It's yours, You drink it.
*Shoves it back in my face(not litterly). I takes it and takes a sip*
"You sure?"
"Yes. That would be selfish of me. Plus what's mine is yours, sweetie, except for my laptop!!"
*We both laugh and then I finish the drink*
Thanks for reading. I may update here and there. And remember you are never alone.

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