Squirrel King (Markiplier reference)

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You stand at the very first door on the very first floor of the building 'As It Settles In'. There isn't anything left on the outside and there are no signs of warnings and such. Just a simple door. So you take a deep breath and turn the knob.

If you didn't understand the bolded part above read the first chapter and the bolded part at the bottom.


It wasn't until she looked back that she realized it was too late. It was coming too fast. Too quick. Too soon. She knew that introducing him to this new weapon would be a mistake, but for some reason she had thought that It'd be cute.

Cute, her foot.

A heavy 'splat' was heard to her right. It was a good thing his aim wasn't the best, but she didn't dare look how far it was in case that one little pause would be her final mistake.

Instead she sprinted uphill, her thighs burning and her breathing heavy and forced already. Yet she knew she couldn't stop. Again, it would be her final mistake if she did.

Reaching the top, her cursed short legs slowly made it behind a large boulder. It would only be a good shield for a moment, but the thought of continuing to run made the girl want to collapse in defeat. She was smart, if a rest was absolutely needed even with the enemy so close behind she'd think of something.

Quieting her noticeable breathing, she listened if he had been able to catch up. It was silent. A small air of relief escaped as she slid down the face of the boulder to crouch and make herself smaller. She listened again.

It was quiet.

Too quiet.

Yet quiet enough for her to tell that her opponent hadn't been able to find her. Having a quick glance around she realized where she was. The woods.

Spots of soft sunshine filtered through the leaves of the tall pine trees hitting the dewy and fresh soil beneath her tired and trembling feet. Chirps of birds and chitters of squirrels echoed around her.

These were the times when she really appreciated nature. But before she was able to dive into deep thought, she was interrupted by a snap of a twig and a rustle of leaves. Her head turned towards the inconspicuous, but noticeable, noise.


That wasn't normally the style of her enemy...

Her muscles tensed as she heard it coming closer, her breathing became more quick and heavy in anticipation. The hand that was laid on the face of the boulder was clenched, her knuckles white. The other hand hovered over her crouched left thigh, ready at any given moment to whip out her defense weapon.

The noises cease to a silence and after a few tense minutes she relaxes. Her head is profusely sweating and the black and curly hair at the nape of her neck is sticking annoyingly to the sides and back of her neck.

Silently she risks a step away from her protection.


She risks a couple more.


One giant leap.


Thinking that the coast is clear she starts to creep away flinching at every twig that snaps beneath her sneakers and every rustling of leaves she causes.

After a few moments of sneaking, hopefully stealthily, away she starts running. Her hair swinging from it's high and tight ponytail. The quiet yet loud tapping of her defense weapon, a water gun, banging against her thigh as she runs. Her controlled and steady breaths from days of long distance stamina build up showing.

It wasn't until she looked back that she realized it was too late.

*heart beat*

It was coming too fast.

*heavy breathing*

Too quick.

*thudding footsteps*

Too soon.

*sharp intake of breath*

She knew that introducing him to this new weapon was a mistake.


And it was.
















"Because," her enemy, though really best friend, triumphantly calls out with a face full of the stuff . "I'M THE KING OF THE SQUIRRELS."

She squirts him with the gun and says grinning as he protests and gives her a mock glare, "Yeah, whatever you say."


The video above is a really, really, really old upload from Markiplier. If you don't know the guy go search him up on YouTube. He's hilarious and he hit 14 million subscribers.

Also I know the setting isn't exactly the same as the video and it's supposed to be that way.

I also don't mention Markiplier's name in here because I know someone won't know him. So you can pretend that it's just you and your best friend being weirdos together.

Disclaimer: I don't own Markiplier, Mark, the video, and the squirrels. But I do own peanut butter... and a peanut butter launcher (Ft. Spoon, but in this story it's like a spud gun or something).

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