I couldn't see where I was going, so I tripped. (Jacksepticeye and Markiplier)

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You don't need to know who Jacksepticeye or Markiplier are to understand this story. But here are some details to make it better.

Jacksepticeye (Sean): is Irish and loves to yell a lot. He's also very cute.

Markiplier (Mark): is very sweet and very caring person with a deep soul stirring voice. He's also very cute.

The both of them: They are both YouTubers and upload videos of them gaming. They cuss a bit, but I'll keep it to a minimum if I actually turn this into a story. Also we must protect these two adorable men at all costs. So there.


"NEXT!" the man hollered as the fan ahead of me probably stumbled away with a dazed look. A smile flitted across my face as butterflies, more like eagles, swooped and dived in my stomach. My dog, Aslan, tugged at his leash gently willing me to go forward. Slowly I followed him, careful to not bashfully trip on anything and die in embarrassment. Someone took a hold of my elbow and forcefully shoved me faster to what seemed to be the table that held two of the coolest people ever.

Jacksepticeye and Markiplier.

But at the moment, my dog didn't really care who we were meeting. All he could think about was how a person had forcefully pushed me and could have potentially hurt me. A growl rumbled deep in his throat as I could feel the muscles tense underneath his shaggy Shepherd's fur.

"Aslan. Boy, it's okay. He probably was impatient. I would be too if someone as slow as me were shuffling towards the table at a pace of a turtle." I shushed at him while slowly running my hands through his fur.

He relaxed and gave a small bark letting me know he understood. I grinned.

"Now let's go meet Mark and Jack, yeah?" I said. He barked again and led me slightly faster when all of a sudden, "Oof!"

A twang of pain rocketed through my right thigh as I tripped and fell on a table.

"OH MY GOD. ARE YOU OKAY?" An Irish accent yelled. I chuckled and then winced as pain shot up through my leg again. Alsan whimpered as he paced around me, unsure of how to help.

"I'm fine." I sighed out to the both of them. My hand reached out and Aslan walked forward as I rubbed around his ears, to let him know it was okay. He whimpered again.

"Aslan, for the love of all the dog treats that taste good, I'm fine!" I breathed out with a laugh giving him another loving pat on the head. He barked. I slowly got up and dusted myself off as someone came up to me and gripped my shoulder gently. My dog growled.

"Hush. Child." I said smiling down at my dog and patting him to let him know I was fine and that he had no need to grow weary. "No need to be big bad wolf, mkay boy?" He barked again. Honestly, it was like talking to a human, in a dog way.

The hand on my shoulder squeezed gently, bringing my attention back up from my pet and guide dog. 

​I was still brushing myself off when a deep resonating voice worriedly said, "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Oh god, I'm sorry. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh god, I'm so, so, sorr-"

"I'm pretty sure god has forgiven you now." I say with a smile still brushing my legs, to feel if I had any injuries.

"So funny, haha, but I'm serious. Are you okay? I'm really sorry. I was walking around the table to get a water bottle and I was talking to my friend and I wasn't looking and oh gosh, I'm really sorry. I just really didn't see you there!" He rambled out making me laugh at his sheepishness. I couldn't see his face, but his voice was practically coated in it.

"Geez, don't worry. You big worry wart, I'm okay. And you're okay because I apparently got my dog to not rip you into pieces -just kidding he wouldn't do that. And it's okay...really." I replied softly with a smile, not wanting to add anymore embarrassment to this kind man.

"And anyways... Funnily enough... I didn't see you either." I said quickly, looking up to what was hopefully his face, with my faded blind eyes.

A beginning to a story that I've been thinking about for a while. As you may have noticed I've been currently in a "markiplier" mood lately, which has been heavily influencing my stories. Again you don't need to know who Jackspeticeye or Markiplier are to understand the chapter, but please go check em out on YouTube.

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