chapter 3

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”welcome to your second mission, you will enter to a dark room, arrows will be flying in the room from all the sides you will have to avoid them, and you got three boxes on your way full of venomous spiders, scorpions and cobras, the key to your next mission will be in one of those boxes. Good luck”, I felt my brain stop working, I froze, what could I do to avoid this mission? Cause I had a little chances of surviving this, I was sure, but I can’t go back, I have to fight to stay alive, I reached for the door knob, opened the door, the wild air sounded like horror screams; I sensed that the room is spacious, first there was a little light but after that there was a long path of pitch black darkness. I saw from far three dusty and forgotten wooden boxes. I took a deep breath, took the first few steps into the dark path, when I made my third step and a thing passed in front of my eyes very fast that I felt cold breeze tickle my nose and the sound of it made it even more frightening. “The arrows, right” I thought. I bent down, and then another arrow passed over my head violently. I opened the box without being able to see anything, I put my hand inside it slowly, it’s the scorpions, I felt their claws clattering into each other. I moved my hand left and right searching for the key, I searched every corner of the box, no sign of a key. I pulled my hand out nervously and closed it brutally.

 I crawled towards the second box desperately opened it wide and put my hand nervously, venomous spiders , I felt danger I ran my hand quickly in the box, searched really well, no key, I removed my hand frustrated. Thank goodness, none of the spiders bit me. I continued to the third box, it has to be in here, I inserted my hand, snakes, I felt it’s skin run on mine which gave me goose bumps, I inspected the box for the key, suddenly my hand hit a metallic thing I rushed to grab it but I felt the fangs of a snake pierce through my skin I felt an unbearable pain ; I pulled my hand rapidly and started waving it furiously in the air then I put my other hand in the box again to get the key, I reached it and pulled it out carefully but quickly . I stood up ignoring the arrows flying in front of me and ran to the door but before I arrived there an arrow came straight in my leg. I felt so much pain like someone just bit in to my soul, I laid there on the floor for a few minutes hearing cruel screams, and I sat down straight and took a deep breath then pulled the arrow out of my leg as quick as I could. I let out a really high breathy scream; blood was dripping from my leg and the metallic scent of blood filled the room. After few seconds the floor was glutted with my blood I stood barely able to walk and reached to the door opened it and got out of my second mission, alive. I detected a small ancient radio that had a post it note stick on it that said “play me” I pressed the play button, a profound unfamiliar voice announced:

”David, if you’re hearing this you got through your second mission, you still got one left, if you keep on walking straight you will find a door with an instructions sheet on it, behind this radio there is a piece of cloth that you could use, use it wisely. Good luck.” And it let out an evil laugh that made me feel all alone and ready to die. I got the material and wrapped it around my blood dripping leg and I knotted it tightly so it won’t bleed anymore. I made my way to the door and read on the sheet:

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