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Mom:ash!get up!it 12 in afternoon.
Ashley: *turns over*
Mom:*takes blankets*get up or i will get the water.
Ashley: Dad!!!!
Ashley: Mom is messing with me and she cursed at me Dad.
Mom:it wasn't me.she is lieing!
Ashley: it was her Dad and I'm tired Dad.
Dad:go back sleep.kayla,how times do i have to tell don't cuss.
Mom:wtf!J,you really can't blame me here!
Dad:who is the adult?
Ashley: thanks but, LJ wants to come over Dad.
Dad:sure thing.
Ashley: thanks Dad, but can you pick him up?
Dad:can he just walk?
Ashley: No because he's at his sides house.
Dad:shut up kayla.
Mom:*walk out the room*
Dad:i will pick him.so,can you get along with your mom while i am gone?
Ashley: it depends if she tells me why she walked out the room then yea maybe.
Dad:okay.*walks out the room*kayla,go talk to Ashley.
Dad:see you later
Mom:*walk in room*What'cha want ash?
Ashley: Can you tell me why you walked out the room plz?
Mom: because your father got me angry at him.
Ashley: how did he do that Mom?
Mom:he tolled me to shut up!
Ashley: no he didn't so, lying to me and just tell me why you walked out my room is it because I let LJ have a side?
Mom:no.but why do you let LJ have a side for?
Ashley: because I don't let him and i know he be getting tired of jerking off so, yea but I stopping it today .
Mom:*raise eyebrow*you have a great relationship.
Ashley: why you say that Mom?
Mom:i was being sarcastic.
Ashley: why you say that Mom?
Mom:why you asking so many questions?
Ashley: just answer the question plz.
Mom:i think your father here.
Ashley: I'm not seeing him unless u answer my question.
Mom:well,i guess you don't want to see your father or LJ today.
Ashley: Can you plz just answer the question Mom plz?
Mom:no.i will be downstairs*walk downstairs*
Ashley: Dad!!!!
Dad:kayla,what did you do?
Dad:ash,what happened?
Ashley: well we was talking and she asked me why I let LJ have a side and I told her the reason then she said we had a great relationship.
Dad:ain't that a good thing?
Ashley: yea but then she said she was being sarcastic. *crying* and now she won't tell me why she was being sarcastic and I don't want to see him unless she tells me why she was being sarcastic.
Mom:fine.i was being sarcastic because our is relationship is not great at all.
Dad:that wasn't nice.
Mom:fuck you.
Mom:*rolls eyes*happy now,ash?
Ashley: y'all know whats bout to happen, right?
Dad: no.what?
Mom;you going to break up with him.😁
Ashley: No Mom but, y'all are going to work this out, Now.
Dad:work out what?
Ashley: y'all are going to fix what Mom feels like y'all need to fix.
Mom:ha.ha.you got jokes.
Ashley: I'm not playing so sit down.
Dad:kayla,sit down.
Ashley: Mom plz? 😭😭
Mom:fine.*sits next to Ashley*now what?
Ashley: what don't you like about your relationship.
LJ: Hey Bae *picks up Ashley and sits her on his* can I get a kiss?
Ashley: hey bae * kisses him*
Mom: because i hate him.
Ashley: No you don't you love LJ. Just tell me why you want to have a relationship like me and LJ.
LJ: you hate me Mrs.B
Ashley: she didn't mean that bae ok *kisses him*
Mom:*rolls eye*of courses i didn't.
Dad:why you always sarcastic?
Mom:it is my second language.
Ashley: Bae go upstairs and go to my room and brush everything and leave me your phone because I don't want you to have a side anymore ok, babe?
LJ: *gives Ashley his phone and does as she says* ok bae *kisses Ashley*
Ashley: *deletes all his sides numbers* now back to y'all.
Mom:what about us?
Ashley: why do you want to have a relationship like LJ and I, Mom and tell truth plz.
Mom:our are totally different.
Ashley: how Mom?
Mom: 1)we are older than you.
Dad:we not that old.
Mom:shut up.and 2)we are in love-hate relationship.
Dad:*raise eyebrow*love-hate relationship?
Mom:shhh.i was trying to make a point.
Ashley: why a love-hate relationship?
Mom:l am hate. He is love.love-hate relationship.
Dad:aw.*kiss kayla*
Mom:ssh.you are ruining the moment.
Ashley: Dad come here.
Dad:*walks to her* what?
Ashley: let me whisper something in your ear.
Ashley: *whispers* go get some
Dad:some what?
Ashley: go get some Dad you know you want some and she kinda need it, ok?
Dad:please tell me you are talking about food.
Ashley: give her the D
Dad:i don't know.
Ashley: don't know wat?
Dad:don't know if she will let me.
Ashley: she going to let you Dad ok, just trick her into it.
Dad:i will try.
Ashley: ok Dad hopefully LJ don't want nun but go try plz.
Mom:go away!
Dad:do you really?*kiss kayla neck*
Mom: stop Jayy
Ashley: go into your room plz.
Mom\Dad: *goes into room*
Dad: Kayla lay down
Mom: No Jayy I dont want the D
Dad: fine but I'm going to get some. *grabs Kayla's butt and leave*

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