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Ashley: *thoughts* I'm so scared to go up these lord plz help me.
LJ: Ash!!!
Ashley: *walks in the room* yes bae
LJ: you left me up here for the longest time *coming closer to me*
Ashley: I know and I'm sorry but, you can't hit
LJ: because we have school tomorrow right
Ashley: yes
LJ: well since I can't hit let me at least finger you babe plz.
Ashley: maybe later ,ok.
LJ: ok bae love now give me a kiss.
Ashley: No
LJ: remember you said I can finger thats all I have to say.
Ashley: yes *leaves the room* Mom!!!
Ashley: Help me
Mom:it depends on what?
Ashley: what do you mean?
Mom:i will help depending on what you need help with?
Ashley: can you help get out of getting fingered Mom, plz help me.😭😭😭
Mom:okay.LJ!COME HERE!
Ashley: rlly Mom
LJ: *running down the stairs* yes Mrs.B
Mom: get out my house.
Ashley: Dad!!!!
Dad:what did kayla do?
Ashley: kicked LJ out and need help where are u.
Dad:*sigh and coming downstairs*kayla,why you kicking LJ out?
Mom:cuz he been here for too long.
Ashley: LJ go upstairs, Dad can I plz talk to you alone?
LJ:*goes upstairs*
Dad:okay.*walk to kitchen*
Ashley: Dad help me plz I don't want to get fingered Dad, help me plz.😭😭😭
Dad:just tell him no
Ashley: no Dad fr help me plz 😭😭😭😭*crying*
Dad:i can let kayla kicked him out.if you like?
Ashley:  no Dad just plz help me.😭😭😭😭😭😭
Dad:you want me to talk to LJ?
Ashley: you can try but it might not work Dad.
Dad:*walks to Ashley's room*LJ, we need to talk.
LJ: about wat Mr. B
Dad:do you want to tell me anything?
LJ: nahh not today sir is there something you know that I don't Dad?
Dad:what are you implying that i know something you don't? Are you accusing me?
LJ: no Dad but is there a problem?
Dad:yes.you are trying to finger my daughter.
LJ: why whats wrong D-D-Dad
Dad: did i give you permission to do that in my house?
LJ: No Dad
Dad:so,why do i hear you was about to it to my daughter?
LJ: because she lets me
Dad:did she?did she really?what was her exact words?
LJ: well since I can't hit she let me at least finger her.
Dad: what was her exact words?
LJ: she said OK maybe later
Dad:so,she did not say yes.
LJ: yep and she didn't say no.
Dad:you should go ask her what is your answer.
LJ: Later on maybe but, I'm hungry right now but, I'm scared to go downstairs.
Dad:man up.
LJ: Man, your daughter hits hard.
Dad: i know.so good luck.
LJ: she not gone hit me but, can you ask her why is she scared of getting fingered by me but, she not scared of the D unless I give it to her?
Dad:you have to ask her yourself. Ash!
LJ: really Dad
Ashley: yes!!!!
Dad:ash,come here.
LJ: No Dad plz.
Ashley: but I don't feel like it. 😭😭😭
LJ: No Dad stop
Ashley: But Daaaad. 😭😭😭
Dad; ash.plz
LJ: Maaaan
Ashley: Daaaad 😭😭😭
Dad:LJ shut up or go downstairs.
LJ: Maaaan
LJ: ok I'm done
Dad:now, go downstairs
LJ: *silent*
Dad:or i will kick you out.
LJ: But Daaaad 😭😭😭
Dad:chose. Now.
LJ: Daaad plzzzz don't make me go downstairs. 😭😭😭
Dad:go*push LJ to stairs*
LJ: Maaan * goes downstairs* hey bae.
Ashley: Hey and what do you want
LJ: i wanna ummmm Dad can you help me out? 😭😭😭
Dad:1)no crying. 2)man up. 3) just ask.
LJ: but Daaad 😭😭😭
Dad:do i need to get kayla in here?
LJ: no Dad
Dad:then ask her.
LJ: ok but what was the question again.
Dad: can i finger you.now go
LJ: Ok bae
Ashley: What
LJ: can I finger you bae.
Ashley: I said maybe later babe
LJ: *turns to Jay* see Dad
Dad:ash,it is yes or no?
Ashley: Dad I said maybe now I'm about to eat.
Dad:what you want to eat?
Ashley: I already started eating
Dad:*rolls eyes*i will be in my room.
Ashley: Dad your going to leave me with him * points to LJ*
Dad:he practically lives here.you should be used to him.
Ashley: but Dad don't leave plz
Dad:i am not leaving. I am going to my room.
Ashley: Daaad!!!
Ashley: fine Dad.
LJ: bae what do you want to do *winking at me*
Ashley: I wanna finish eating, take a bath, get ready for school, and got to sleep.
LJ: i wanna do all of that to but, what about my fingering babe
Ashley: yea about that ummmm Daaaad!!!!
Dad:say no!and anything else ask your mother!*walks to room*
Ashley: but Daaaad 😭😭😭😭
Dad:ask your mother.i am going to bed.
Ashley: no Dad plz 😭😭😭😭 *crying*
Ashley: Do you think I can sleep with y'all tonight?
Ashley: plz Dad or are you still trying to hit.
Dad: fine
Ashley: Dad are you still trying to hit?
Ashley: tell the truth
Dad:i give up.
Ashley: you want some don't you? I mean I can always help you.
Dad:good luck.
Ashley: No like really Dad I can help you just tell me if you want to hit.
Dad:you can help if you like but it not going to work.
Ashley: ok I got you tomorrow but I'm going to go get ready for school. *leaves the room, goes upstairs takes a shower, gets ready for school and lays down.*
LJ: *does the same thing as Ashley and lays down*

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