Chapter 9: Awakening

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A few days after Yume's and Yoru's first date, life in school had resumed back normal. Yoru was in class 3-F, listening to Mr. Aizawa, reviewing the contents of yesterday's lesson to him and his classmate.

Mr. Aizawa: "So who wants to read paragraph 3 section 8 of your English textbooks?", silence filled the room to not a single volunteer Mr. Aizawa spoke up.

Mr. Aizawa: "Okay then since no one wants to volunteer, I'll be calling out a random person to read. Hmm let's see, Kanasaki read", as Kanasaki a shy girl began to read from her textbook, a cellphone began to ring.

Mr. Aizawa:" CELLPHONES ARE PROHITTED DURING CLASSES! Who's cell phone is that?" He said his voice spreading across the classroom filled with 30 individual student ringing with anger. Yoru timidly looked at his bag knowing that it was his phone, he scrimmages through his bag trying to grab the ringing cell phone, he thought he had put on vibrate. As he found his cellphone, he was shocked to see who was calling him, it was the hospital.

Yoru: "Sorry, Mr. Aizawa, I will take any punishment you give me but I must answer this phone call!" Yoru said as walked out of his classroom. He hurrying to answer the phone call worried something might have happened to his dear mother since lying in a comatose state.

Yoru: "Hello?" He said as he greeted the person who has called him.

Doctor: "Hello, this is Doctor Inuzaki, am I speaking to Yoru Kurohoshi?" The doctor asked confirming he was speaking to Yoru.

Yoru: "Y-Yes this is him, has something happened with my mother? Is she okay?" Yoru asked Doctor Inuzaki worryingly nervous.

Doctor Inuzaki: "Yes it seems in good health, I just wished to call you to inform you that your mother, Sayuri Kurohoshi and has awoken from her coma. I've already informed your Father Kirosuke, he should be on his way here.", Dr. Inuzaki said happily as he informed Yoru of his mother's awakening.

Yoru: "What? Are you serious? I'm on my way there right now!" Yoru still shocked from the surprise information, ran back in his classroom of 3-F, Mr. Aizawa still teaching class, grabbed his bag and school supplies began to leave the classroom

Mr. Aizawa: "Yoru! Where do you think you're going?" Mr. Aizawa shouted in shock of Yoru's behavior.

Yoru: " Sorry, Mr. Aizawa, I have a family emergency! I'll be leaving early today! I'm heading to the hospital. I'll have to take that punishment another day!", he said as he quickly bowed and hurriedly left the school, running past all who was in his way.

Yume returning to her classroom from the restroom saw him and waved but he was into much of a hurry to notice. Rushing quickly Yoru ran, catching each train and taxi he could to get to the hospital as fast as could. Finally arriving at Sakuramochi hospital where his mother had been staying since Yoru was born, Yoru rushed to his mother's room.

Yoru: "Is my mother here?", Yoru said exhausted asking Dr. Inuzaki.

Doctor Inuzaki: "Yes. Your Father is already in there but before you see her there's something I want to inform you about.", the doctor said worryingly as both he and Yoru entered the room.
Upon seeing his son Kirosuke shouted

Kirosuke: "YORU WAIT!", but Yoru didn't hear him or Doctor Inuzaki words as he rush into his mother's room a smile on his face

Yoru: "Mother!" He said smiling, his red eye beaming with happiness.

Sayuri: "umm who are you?", Sayuri said as though she had forgotten the face of her own child. As Yoru heard these words from his smile vanished and his eyes filled tears. His mother had forgotten him, the child she had given birth to and had fallen into a coma for.

Doctor Inuzaki: "I'm sorry, Yoru.", Dr. Inuzaki said as he places a hand on Yoru's shoulder.

Doctor Inuzaki: "Your mother only remembers you as a newborn. You'll have to allow her to adapt from how she was when you were born. She's still a bit fuzzy after being in a coma for almost 18 years. It'll be a while until she's able to understand the world as it is now, but in that time she can get to know you, are you willing to accept that?", Dr. Inuzaki asks as he looked at distraught Yoru.

Doctor Inuzaki: "Yoru?", Inuzaki says as he looks at Yoru concerned.
Yoru still trying to understand what has just happened just sits there in the chair eyes full of tears when he hears his name being called again

Doctor Inuzaki: "YORU!"

Yoru: "Yes?!", Yoru answered as the doctor called his name again.

Doctor Inuzaki: "Listen, I understand this is hard but are you willing to get to know your mother now that she's awake?", the doctor asks in a calm, empathetic voice into which Yoru answered.

Yoru: "Yes. Even if she only remembers me as a newborn I'm still glad to have my mother back with us.", Yoru said as he forced a smile trying not to concern or worry the doctor any further than he had already.

Doctor Inuzaki: "Good, I'm glad you understand Yoru. Do you have any questions for me as to what to do?", the doctor asked seemly convince Yoru was doing fine.

Yoru: "Is there anything I can bring that won't effect her mental state too much Doctor?", Yoru asked concerned as to what he should do next.

Doctor Inuzaki: "Photos should be okay to bring and things that you've had when you growing should help her move along quite nicely. Also if you wish you could also bring her some of her favorite books to read or something you think she might like to read as well. We'll be doing regular examinations on her mental state until she's ready to be discharged from the hospital. If I remember correctly, you visited her quite frequently while she was in a comatose state, I suggest we continue that visitation as it could help not only her but also you as well", Dr. Inuzaki said as he informed Yoru of what he can do.

Doctor Inuzaki: "but for today I want you to go home and get some rest. You look quite exhausted", he said looking into Yoru's eyes with concern.

Yoru:" Thank you, Doctor. I shall do just as you said", Yoru said as he got up from his chair to bow at Doctor Inuzaki for all his help

Doctor Inuzaki: "Shall I call you a taxi to take you home? I'm sure it'll be better that way.", Doctor Inuzaki suggested.

Yoru: "Yes, Please if it wouldn't be to much trouble for you, I'd just like to get home as quickly as possible", Yoru said timidly holding back his tears.

Doctor Inuzaki: "It's no trouble at all. Shall I tell your father of your departure?", Doctor Inuzaki said with a gentle smile.

Yoru: "Yes, Doctor. Thank you once again for all your help", Yoru said as he bowed once more to the kind doctor as he left the room and downstairs toward the taxi.

Taxi Driver: "Where am I taking you, son?", The taxi driver asked the emotional distraught Yoru.

Yoru: "Apartments Complex 338, in the Nagoya Preference, Please".

Taxi Driver: "Sure thing, kid", as the taxi drove off Yoru stared at the Sakuramochi Hospital where his mother had been all these 17 years and began to cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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