1: How You Met

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Michael: You had been really excited to go to your best friend's sweet 16. You heard that she invited a ton of people. Little did you know that she is friends with a certain group of people you have a whole blog dedicated to. The party is at your friend's house and it's not that far from yours so you got ready for the party and walked over to her house. You got there really early (as your friend had asked you to do so, so you could help her get ready). *** The DJ was playing the best music, all the guests were here and you figured that this party was absolutely perfect. The door bell rang and your friend asked you to go open the door. You were dumbfounded by the fact that here you have Michael Clifford, Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood standing right in front of you. Your friend had wondered why you were just standing there at the door so she came over to you. "Everything alright?" She asked. "uuh...uuum.." You had absolutely no idea what to say. "You...uh..whoa..um..5 Seconds of Summer!' you blurted out. you turned to your friend "You know them and you didn't tell me??". "I wanted it to be surprise silly!" She giggled. "guys, meet my friend (Y/N)" She smiled. "Hi (Y/N)!" Ashton piped up. You gave each of them a hug then when you went to give Michael a hug, he just stared right into your eyes. "H-Hi.." He stuttered. "hi" you said, barely audible. You two hadn't even noticed that the other 3 guys went inside and your friend closed the door on you two. You were just standing at the doorstep. "You have beautiful eyes (Y/N), actually you have beautiful everything." He said to you, so sweetly. you blushed looking down. He lifted your chin with his finger "look at me," he whispered "you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" He smiled "Do you want to go inside and dance? I think i hear a slow song playing" You smiled at him, not actually sure if this is happening right now. You love 5SOS so much and you always had an eye for Michael and now here is, standing right in front of you, asking you if you want to dance with him. *** You had your arms around his neck and his hands protectively on your waist. 'With or Without You' by U2 was playing, you had always loved this song. "I can't live, with or without you..." The song had ended and Michael was staring right into your eyes again. "I-I know we just met like 10 minutes ago but c-can I kiss you" he whispered. You nodded your head and he leaned in, giving you a sweet peck on the lips.*** The party had come to an end and everyone was going home, you had been with Michael the entire time. "Can I see your phone for a second?" He smiled at you.You handed him your phone and he took his phone out and quickly typed something on it then handed it to you "Put in your number". The contact name read '(Y/N) <3' . After you and Michael had exchanged phone numbers, it was time for you to leave. "Bye guys!" You smiled, no, you beamed. "It was nice meeting you (Y/N)" Said Luke. "Do you have a ride?" Michael asked "Nope.. I'm walking home, it's not that far" You smiled. "It's too dark out! Let me walk you home" "alright" you smiled. Michael took your hand in his and you too walked to your house. He ended up falling asleep right next to you beacause you both had been up late, telling each other stories and laughing and having a great time. ❧

Luke: You were walking around Sydney, Australia. You came here on a trip just to get away from everything back home. You had been walking around for a while, not exactly sure where you're going; you found a small coffee shop so went in and ordered yourself some coffee. When the guy at the counter handed you your coffee, you tried asking him where you should go "Hey um, do you know any good tourist places around here?" "Excuse me lady, but there's a long line of people behind you who are waiting to order coffee, I can't just stand here and start a conversation." He said to you rudely. You looked behind you and there was only one person behind you in line. You rolled your eyes at the cashier. "Are you freaking kidding me?". Another boy came up behind the guy "What's going on here". Wow he was hot. "This man is not nice to costumers". You stepped aside so the person behind you can order. "I'm very sorry about that ma'am" He was tall and had gorgeous blond hair. "What was it that you needed?" He smiled at you. "I was just asking him if he knows any good tourist places around here.." His face suddenly lit up. "Well, i was about to go on my break, do you want me to show you around?" He asked. "Oh no no, I would never make you do that.." "No really, I would love to!" He smiled. "Alright". You walked out of the cafe "My name's Luke by the way" He smiled and stuck his hand out and you shook it "(Y/N)". His hands were much bigger compared to yours and you thought it was the cutest thing in the world. The two of you had walked around for a little while in awkward silence. "So um, what brings you here to Australia? Visiting family?" He  asked. "No uh completely opposite, actually." You chuckled "I came here to get a way from my family for a little while". "Oh, that's nice...I Guess?" he said, unsure of how to respond to that. You giggled at him. "You have a cute little laugh.." He smiled at you in amazement and you blushed and looked down. Suddenly, a big d-bag on a bicycle zoomed past the two of you, and through a puddle. You jumped back, accidentally into Luke's arms and he held on to you protectively. You moved away from him "Uuh..sorry" you said nervously, now soaking wet. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked with concern in his eyes. "Um I guess.." you mumbled "Awe you got all wet, here, you can wear my jacket." He took off his jacket and put it around your shoulders. "Th-thanks" You smiled. *** Luke had shown you around to all the cool places and you had such a great time. "Thanks for showing me around, Luke" You smiled at him "I had so much fun! I should probably go catch a taxi and get back to my hotel." "My apartment is right around the corner, you can come stay over for dinner and I'll drive you home." Luke smiled widely at you. "I don't want to annoy you even more by staying over for dinner and have you drive me home." You shook your head. Luke sighed "Don't you get it, silly? I'm basically asking you out on a date" You stood there and just looked at him "Huh?" you said, completely confused. "You're so cute (Y/N)" He rolled his eyes playfully. "But why would you even..?" "Because I liked you from the second I saw you, you're very pretty and funny." He said to you. "Well, um alright then" You tried to hide your grin. He held your hand and walked you to his apartment. *** Luke tried to cook dinner but inevitable failed and accidentally burned it so you ended up ordering some pizza. You laughed and had a great time watching 'The Internship' on DVD and both ended up falling asleep on the couch. You woke up in the middle of the night, finding yourself tangled in Luk'es arms and you tried to get out to go back to your hotel because you didn't want to be a bother to Luke.  You were about to leave when you heard a confused Luke calling your name. "(Y/N)?" You heard him mumble. "Where are you going?" He said quietly.  "Back to my hotel, I wouldn't want to annoy you.." You responded. Luke got up and walked over to you, hugging you from behind "Stay" He murmured and left a little kiss on your neck. "okay" You whispered.❧

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