Seraphina Chapter 2

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I bit my lower lip as I looked to Gale; waiting for him to speak. Gale looked down at the fainted boy and gently pushed the boy's hair from his forehead. "Poor child." He whispered. 

 The sounds of birds flying over head made us jerk our heads upwards. I squinted my eyes at the grey sky to search for them. They flew over us with quick and frenzied wings. "So many of them." I observed aloud. "What do you think it means?" I asked Gale.

 Gale's face became dark, "It looks as if they are trying to flee from somewhere." 

 My eyes traced the birds path backwards over the plains and beyond the few trees that grew in the distance.  In the direction of White Ash I could see a mile high tower of black smoke.

 "Gale?" My voice was full of fear. 

 "So, its true then."

 "What should we do Gale?" 

 Gale's face dropped into a frown "What do you mean?" 

 It was frustrating that I had to explain to him what I was feeling; since most of the time he expected me to know what he was thinking. Gale was always like that though, and most of the time I could tell what he was thinking just by his body language. It was how our fathers' taught us to communicate and work together. Whether it was working the farm or in combat Gale and I became one force, one energy despite our separate bodies.

 I sighed, "What I mean is; should we keep heading towards White Ash or should we turn back?"

 There are obvious faults in both plans. If we continue on towards White Ash, there is no telling what we might find. Fire, death, Wights? And If we go home without money or supplies; like medicine for father, we might as well slit our own throats in the Voided Lands and let ourselves die shamefully. 

 Gale was well aware of the risks in both courses of action, and yet It only took a moment for him to answer; "We go to White Ash."


Gale bound the boy to seize my nagging, although he was unconscious and seemed innocent enough. My father warned me against; "Trusting thoughs whom have yet to prove trust worthy." No matter who they were. Gale decided to bring the boy along with us, but I assigned myself to be his watcher. If he so much as looks at me wrong I'll cut the little urchin. 

 Gale decided to drive the wagon the rest of the way; although it was my turn he could handle the animal better ensuring a safe drive until we reached Sanctified land. I was apprehensive. It would take the whole night to reach White Ash, which also means we wont be able to stop and make camp. No supper tonight or rest for poor Draumbe, he must be exhausted. I looked to Gale and studied his demeanor as well; he looked completely drained. I observed that his usually lively golden-brown eyes appeared opaque.

 This journey was more taxing on him than I could imagine; of course I must look just as rough as he does. I haven't seen my reflection in weeks. At home I wore my hair out letting my soft waves fall down my back. Here on the road my dark hair became gnatted and dull so I simply pulled it back with a piece of twine. I could feel the grime on my skin and under my finger nails; and the sting of my chapped lips each time I licked them was excruciating. I looked much different in my traveling jerkin and leather knee high boots than my usual powdered blue gown and black bodice I wore at home. I pinned for a hot bath and the soap my mother makes from brown sugar and honey. 

 I sighed thinking about my finery at home, but I pushed aside the thoughts to focus on the task at hand. I kept my eye on both the boy and on the expansive plains and I waited to see which would expose their dangers first. Fortunately, The night came and went until dawn gave way; and our travels were unperturbed. 

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