Seraphina Chapter 3

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Brahms Breaktooth has both an infamous and famous reputation throughout Whiteash; It all depended upon who you were talking to. To some, he was hero known for his fighting prowess and political savvy. Mowing down Wights, rescuing wayward caravans, or defending the walls of White Ash from ravagers was all in a days work. To most, however, Brahms Breaktooth is regarded as a terror.

 Various rumors floated around the region about Breaktooth's activities. From; taxing people before he lets them into the city, to stealing food and merchandise from merchants and their caravans, I've even heard he hoards salves and medicine. There are also more outstanding rumors like; drunkeness and murder. Or so I’ve heard. What is true and false is not for me to determine, and yet, I find myself in the grasp of this man and his next decision could make or brake me.

“Do you understand ?” Breaktooth squeezed my face harder in between his fingers squishing the inside of my cheeks painfully against my teeth.

“Yes, Ser,” I mumbled.

He smiled slowly revealing blackened teeth, “Good, now boy--” He let go of me, and walked away to approach Gale as if he decided to torment him now instead. “You will tell me what has happened here.”

The Strong-arm that held Gale against the ground moved off of him, allowing him to rise to his feet and meet Breatktooth’s gaze. “Ser, as I told these men here; my cousin and I come from the mountains to sell this seasons harvest. That is our only goal.”

“So, you were not attempting to traffic this boy into my city?” Brams asked jutting a finger towards the unconcious child.

“No, Ser. You see, this boy is a victim of ravagers. My cousin and I happened upon him while traveling through the Voided lands, I thought it best to bring him here, lest the Wights make a feast of him.” 

Breaktooth scratched at his beard while mulling over the information. I knew that, what Gale was saying was half a lie, but I wouldn’t call him out on it. I just couldn’t understand why he didn’t tell the full-truth in the first place. Moments later, Breaktooth called his men off, and we were set free for the time being.

“I’ll believe you for now, but the boy must be checked over for any signs of the scourge. You there, ” Breaktooth nodded at his second in command; “Take the boy to Madam Bones. She’ll be able to tell if he’s one of them.”

Who is "Madam Bones" I wondered in the saftey of my mind.

The man mumbled  “Yes Ser,” and swept the boy into his arms and walked away, through the gates of White Ash.

 Breaktooh directed his attention at Gale once again, “I’m curious to know…did you come across any Wights on your journey?”

Gale answered, “We saw a small hoard, Ser, to the South-East of White Ash, but Sera and I quickly disposed of them.”

It was true. We ran into five or so, and they were not too difficult to dispose of. Most of them were emaciated and sluggish. Gale shot at them from the wagon with his crossbow before they knew what was upon them.

 “Then you are quite lucky.” Breaktooth chuckled to himself, before turning his back to us. “Times are hard here. We lost many to the scourge, even our mayor was taken by the sickness. White Ash is crumbling from within; and it is my duty to rebuild it, brick by brick if I have to."

This sent a sudden chill down my back. The thought of Breaktooth running White Ash worried me; If the rumors I heard about him were true; the town could quickly become hostile and militaristic under his rule. In my head I picture skirmishes with surrounding settlements and cities, human trafficking and murder. Surly, Breaktooth would never stoop so low, and yet the images flashed through my mind too vividly for me to dismiss all together.

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