the group chat

110 12 13

< Sam has logged in >
< Dean has logged in >

Dean: im still against using a website for messaging each other

Sam: aren't you old fashioned

Castiel: I'm unable to track you and phone calls are quite expensive. This is a suitable solution

Dean: why can't we just use imessage like normal ppl

Sam: that's not a bad idea actually

Dean: Cas give me your number I'll make a group chat

< Dean has logged out >

Castiel: So, have you engaged in sexual activities recently?


Castiel: Is this not what you consider 'small talk'?

Sam: NO

< Dean has logged in >

Dean: check your phones we have a chat up and running with sexy new contact names

< Dean has logged out >

< Sam has logged out >

Castiel: Guys, please help, I am unsure of how to log out.

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