Chapter 5

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The only one

Chapter 5

April, Karen, Libby, Alice and Kimmie all sat down on the couch leaning against one another. The guys were outside with the kids. The Kepner girls were talking about good moments with their father. They were planning the funeral which was going to take place next week.

"I remember, one Christmas dad hooked up a grain bin to the quad, and we used it as a sled," Libby laughed.

"Even mom went on it," Alice added.

Karen laughed, "yeah, then I burnt the cookies I was making."

"Dad made you come out," April smiled, "he claimed, we'll grow up to fast and soon won't even want to come home."

Kimmie smiled and gave her mom's hand a reassuring squeeze, "we'll always want to come home mom, and Libs just lives an hour away, Ali lives, here. Apes, well-"

"I'll always want to come home," April smiled, "always. Kimmie, you live a little while away."

"A one hour plane ride," Kimmie smiled, "but I'm never too far." "Good," Karen smiled, "I need my babies, 3 out of 4 have left the nest."

"Mom, we're never to far," April smiled, she quickly kissed her mom's cheek, "never."

An hour to dinner all the girls got up and moved their party to the kitchen and started making dinner.

They continued talking but changed the subject.

"So," Libby started, "you and Jackson."

April sighed, "must we talk about that?"

"Yes!" Karen urged, "I'm your mother and you must tell me your love problems."

April laughed, she should of known this subject would come up eventually. "Well, there's nothing really to talk about, we're friends, but he has girlfriend and he hasn't dumped her yet." April frowned.

"Are you sure he hasn't broken up with her yet?" Alice asked, "maybe he hasn't found the time?"

"Or maybe he didn't want to leave you alone right now because of dad," Kimmie smiled.

"Or maybe he came to his senses and realised, 'hum I look like this, why am I with someone that looks like that?'" Libby joked, April slapped her shoulder.

"Shut up!" April giggled, "okay, here's the thing I really like him, he kissed me yesterday, but I can't do anything when he's still dating that little bitch-" April covered her mouth and her cheeks flushed red, "sorry."

Karen laughed, "I take it you don't like her?"

"You wouldn't either," she whispered looking down studying her feet.

"It's okay apes," Libby said encouragingly, "you'll like her when you dating her boyfriend she had right now." She gave her younger sister a pat on the shoulder, "when will that be happening exactly?"

April smiled, "ask the boy, I'm single, free. Him, not so much."

"He'll get there," Alice smiled.

A minute later the boys walked in, "hey ladies," Dylan smiled.

"Hey babe," Jake smiled and kiss Kimmie on the cheek.

Jackson walked up to April and grabbed her hand, "I have something to tell you later."

April nodded when Alice smirked, "why don't you tell her right now?"

April wide eyed looked up at her baby sister, "ally!"

"What, we like him," she laughed.

"What does that have ANYTHING to do with the situation?" April asked.

"So if it's embarrassing, we won't judge." Alice said as though it was obvious.


Jackson smiled and cut her off, "it's fine," he looked at April and smiled into her eyes, "I just wanted to get you know, I called Stephine and broke up with her."

"What?" April yelled, "you broke up with her over the phone?"

Jackson laughed, "well I Skyped her, so we were face-to-face."

"Yeah because that makes me feel so much better," April added sarcastically.

Jackson smiled, "will you just stop talking about her and kiss me already?"

April cheeks turned red instantly, she gazed at her family who were watching her every move, "uhh, Jackson-"

Karen rolled her eyes, "baby, don't make the boy last forever! Kiss him!"

Jackson didn't wait a second before he pulled April close to him and kissed her. She smiled against his lips.

"Okay, Apes guy trouble is cleared?" Kimmie grinned, April gave them a thumbs up lips still pressed to Jackson's.

April finally pulled away and smiled, Jackson wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "So," he smiled, "what can I help with?"

Karen grinned, "you can help April with the potatoes." She smiled and turned to Jake, "you can help Kimmie with the steaks, and," she turned to Dylan, "you can help Libby with the salad, me and Alice are gonna clean off the table."

The boys nodded and started doing their jobs. The couple's were laughing and talking while finishing dinner. When they were all finished they brought the food to the table.

They were all seated at the table, the chained hands and bowed their heads for prayer.

"Dear lord, thank you for another beautiful day," Karen prayed, "thank you for bringing my beautiful girls back home, I hope Joe's having some fun. Take good care of him, thank you for the wonderful years we had, making them great blessing us with these four beautiful young ladies, and their men and their children. In God's we pray, amen."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2013 ⏰

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