Blue With White Stars-- Three

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Three Weeks Later
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America scans the meeting room and sees nothing but windows, a large table, and seats.

For being in Moscow, he'd expect Russia to be here with his adorable smile.

'Maybe the reason why he's isn't showing up is because of my presence.'

A thought slips into America's head, making him frown from the word "presence".

He sighs and goes over to a seat and sits down on it, resting his head on the palm of his hand.

Russia is the type of nation who's anti-social during events, but he still showed up to the meetings whether he wanted to or not. To be honest, it was strange that he suddenly didn't show up.

Not only did he miss this meeting, but he also missed the G8 and Berlin Politics event last week.

The door opens and America pokes his head up, hoping to see a certain Russian nation come into the room.

Once he saw his British ally instead of a Russian one, he sighs and goes back to staring at the meeting table.

England looks at America and crosses his arms, walking over to the American, "What's up with you? This isn't your usual self."

"Are you trying to say that I'm always loud!" America protests, earning a laugh from England.

"Loud? More like obnoxious." The British nation corrects while smirking widely at the angered look on the Americans face.

England sits down next to America and slouches against the chair.

"So dude, any word from Russia lately?" America asks, still speechless about the incident at the hospital.

With a groan of irritation, England responds, "For the sixth time! Not one word has been said!" After the outburst, England turns his gaze at the American next to him.

"Why do you care so much anyways?" Not knowing how to respond, America shrugs in a fake confused way. England sighs in relief and mumbles to himself, "Good."

The meeting doors open and several nations step in the room, sitting in any seat nearest to them.

England sits up on his own chair and America stares at the door way, imagining that one Russian nation step into the meeting room.

A few more countries step in and Germany closes the doors, thinking that Russia wouldn't show up today.

Italy skips behind him and sits next to Japan, watching as Germany stacks some papers on the table.

America rolls his chair closer to the table and waits for Germany to start.

After a deep breath, Germany begins the meeting, "Because of America's victory over Russia in the war currently known as the Cold War, we should give a quick round of applause to him."

Nations begin to clap and England pats America's back, making him blush slightly from the attention.

"It's unfortunate that Russia couldn't show up . . . Again, but it's either continue the meeting or wait to see if he's coming, which I highly. Anyways, Moscow asks that we pin point a few topics about the recent war and Russia's current health."

England rolls his eyes, "May we speak about more important topics instead of Russia's health please? America has been through enough as it is, yes?" America turns his head to face England, "I think we should go over the topics just in case."

With that being said, the British nation grumbles and leans back against the chair again.

Germany raises an eyebrow, "Is there something bothering you England? You seem reluctant to talk about Russia's current economy." Although it wasn't obvious to the others that he's jealous over America's sympathy for Russia, he lies once more, "Nothing at all, there is nothing bothering me at this moment."

Germany and the others exchange looks and shrug it off, thinking that England might be tired of hearing the word war.

England crosses his arms while many thoughts jump into his head.

'More sympathy for a dark sunflower than your closest ally? What kind of world does America think he lives in! Russia is nothing but a no good nation that should back off already!'

A thought shouts in England's mind, making him smile at the adjectives used to describe Russia.

"So now that the war has ended, I think it's necessary that we go over the debts of Russia to America. Are they're any specific things Russia owes you, America?"

Germany starts the first scenario. With a few ideas in his head, America responds, "Make alarm clocks for my country or even work as an advisor for a while might be a possible debt."

England chuckles, "Or you could force him to live in Serbia for a week." Every nation in the room faces the British nation in a surprised way, including America.

"What? He'll be fine, he's already a pour frozen nation, am I correct?" England backs himself up.

"Um... Thanks for the suggestion, but I'll put that to the side for right now . . ." America replies, confused about what England really wants for the Russian nation.

Germany coughs a few times from the cold breeze, slowly getting a cold, "Well, since we got that covered... Which England sort of finished for America. Moscow wants the meeting to discuss Russia's new government system."

Germany pulls out a piece of paper from the pile on the table and reads out loud, "Under terms with the Cold War, Russia can continue what he wishes for, but any further movement of communism will be stopped immediately."

England frowns, "We should change that to no more following wishes and start practicing democracy, it'll work." America sighs and face palms himself, "I'm not involved in this . . ."

Germany groans and looks at England, "Russia can do what he wants, not what you want."

"Everything he wishes for ends in war! It's time he goes under someone's control!" England shouts, making Germany frown deeply.

Before the German nation could respond, the doors to the room open.

Nations turn to see Russia standing in the doorway, not saying a word or showing any type of expression on his face.

He stood there silent, slowly showing the true sorrow behind his eyes.

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