Blue With White Stars-- Twenty-Three

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World Meeting, Berlin


America sat down in his seat and placed a stack of paperwork on the meeting table. He slouched against the back of his seat with a bored sigh and rolls side to side in the seat, making it squeak in a high pitched sound. The American span around in the chair and waited impatiently for the rest of the nations to finally show up for the meeting.

A few minutes go by quickly and the room remains as silent as Moscow's house. It was gloomy outside the building and a few sprinkles of rain would fall once in a while. Berlin felt the same as most places that America had to visit for the meetings and world get-together events, or the politics meetings.

He rolls the chair over to the front of the meeting table and snatches the schedule papers from Germany's folder, which no nation is allowed to touch unless given permission. Then again, America read England's diary so that gives him excuse to look at a private folder, right?

America flipped through the topics and discussions, stopping at the sight of Berlin's expectations for the meeting. He skimmed through the several words and placed his focus on the main politic discussions. Most of the topics are apparently about the climate change in Antarctica and other colder areas. He didn't recognize any of the countries or territories that were mentioned except for the Antarctic and northern regions.

The American flipped to the next page and rushed through the minor topics. He froze his gaze on the topic of country relations, recalling the newest updates of his own relationships.

It's been 6 days ever since what happened at the airport and when England hid himself. Like Russia, he hasn't contacted any other nations besides France, which surprises everyone since they have a strong rivalry. America could only come to the conclusion that Britain was still recovering from that moment, so he decided to leave the Brit alone and let him be to himself for as long as he needs to.

The meeting doors open and out of fear that it was Germany, America closed the folder and threw it onto the table. He rolled his chair back to where he was originally sitting at and acted as if he wasn't do anything. Instead of a German nation, it was Russia.

He looked well rested and his violet eyes shined more brightly then it used to when the past torment was around. It made America cheerful that the Russian nation broke free of the torment and healed himself. There wasn't anything else that America could wish for besides a good future for his country and other nations.

"Your earlier than usual, did you sleep well?" Russia asked in a concerned way, sitting down next to the American nation. "A little bit since I watched a scary movie before bedtime, but I feel better now." The Russian tilted his head, "Why is that?"

America smiled a bit and rested his gaze on Russia's brightly sparkled eyes. "I know it's cheesy for me to say this but it's your eyes that make me feel better even on my worst days." Russia blushed and the American placed a quick kiss on the others lips.

"I made you blush, remember that?" America recalled from the past when they sat at the bench in the park. "Da, you won." The Russian spoke in a serene and soft tone.

"I'm guessing that means you forgive me finally?" The American brought back a lot of memories to Russia, but it didn't bother him like it used to. He nodded his head lightly, "I told you I'd forgive you when it was most necessary."

"Ah, so that's what you really meant all of this time I waited for you to forgive me." America realized as the meeting doors opened and nations started walking in. After a while, Germany stepped in and closed the doors, confirming the fact that no more nations are going to show up.

For once the meeting room was silent and less Chaotic as it is most times. Germany walked to the front and opened his folder to the scheduled page that Berlin made for the meeting. "Alright, let's get started right away since we have a lot to discuss for this meeting." He announced to all of the nations, earning their attention and eye contact.

"First off, Berlin wants us to go over the newest country relations that have been confirmed." Germany flipped to the list and pulled out the paper from the folder. "The few relations are France and England, Japan and China, and for the last confirmed relation... Russia and America." Most of the nations looked at the two in confused ways, thinking that the Cold War left them on bad repercussions.

"Anyways, congrats for the new world relations, now we have climate change scenarios that needs to be recognized." Germany skipped a few topics, probably not wanting to go over the minor discussions since they weren't as important as the major ones.

"A few things before we start on that, I have to make sure everyone has their statistics for the climate change." The German nation said as nations pulled out their percentages for the topic. Russia bent down to his bag and opened it, skimming through the random folders he kept. He checked each of the files carefully for papers and made sure he went through the side pockets as well.

Russia sighs and sat back up in his seat, raising his hand for permission to speak. Germany looked at him and nodded his head as a way to show him that he could speak. "May I check the hallways to make sure I didn't drop the paper anywhere." Russia asked the German nation.

"Go ahead." With that being said, Russia got up and walked out of the meeting room. He went down the left hallway and scanned around the floors and small rooms.

Russia continued down the hallway he came in through from the front lobby and took a peak down the staircase. He didn't find the paper, and that was the same result he got whenever he looked through other places.

The Russian sighed and leaned against the wall behind him, about to give up until a white piece of paper caught his attention at the corner of his eye. He couldn't read what the paper said from his view, but he still went up to it, noticing a dark hallway next to its place in the much lighter hallway Russia was in.

Russia bent over and picked it up, seeing all of his statistics on the paper below the title. Someone grabbed him from behind and pinned him up against a wall, covering his mouth to hide any screams or yelps. He immediately recognized the emerald eyes and blond messy hair; it was England.


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