Part Fifteen

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Sarah's POV

Andrea, Georgia, Aisling, Christine and Laura were all sleeping over at Cassie's tonight. It was the last chance we all had to  have a girls night before the ski trip. Georgia was very quiet. She must still be ill, she was barely in all week. I dont know whats wrong with her, some vomitting bug or something. Ew. I hope she's fully recovered as I do not want to catch that. We all crowded into Cassie's room and discussed the school week all the scandal's and gossip. 

'And I heard a certain bot stayed the night in your bed, Christine' Aisling said

'Nothing happened Aisling'

'Ye sure, it didn't'

'... well not that time anyways' Cassie said

''Shut up Cassie'' 

'Whats this?' I asked 'Your not a virgin Christine?' 

'of course she isn't she's got a super hot boyfriend she's been going out with for like 2 years' Aisling replied.

'Speaking of 'virgins' I think Cassie's little episode in Maths was the most entertaining thing all week' Said Andrea.

'Shut up you' Cassie snapped back at her. She seemed to snap at Andrea a lot lately. Wonder what thats all about.

'Oh Niall let me have your babies.' Andrea pleaded, making fun of her.

'What?' Georgia said perking up a bit. 'You did what Cassie?' 

'It wasn't like that .... AT ALL!'  Cassie said looking over at Andrea.

'you dont know what you asking there Cass' Georgia replied uder her breather, just loud enough for me to hear. But i dont think anybody else did.

'I didn't mean for it come out like that.' Cassie said. quietly. 'I just wanted to thank him for Saturday'

'What happened on Saturday?' Christine asked.

'He kissed her' I said making kissing noises.

'WHAT?' they all chorused. and all started shouting replies at us like 'why didnt you tell me' 'it was about time' 'took him long enough' and 'thats so cute'

'No he didn't' Cassie said rolling her eyes at me and cutting them all off. 

'He pushed me off the seat to sit beside her. Then put his arms around her and started whispering to her and kissed her on the head' I told them. and they errupted into squeals and 'aww'. 

'They're first kiss' Georgia said, giving Cassie a nudge.

'ye right' Cassie said rolling her eyes again. Somtimes she was so pesimistic.She just cant see the positive side to things.

'Well I'm sure it'll be the first of many' Andrea said. and they all started teasing her and making kissing noises in her ears. and saying things like 'oh niall i love you' in their best 'cassie' voices. I looked over at Laura, she looked quite lost and scared, by what was happening. She hadn't said a word all night. She was probably just shy. We just invited her fo Zayn's sake. She was all he ever talks about now, and they've only gone out a few times. But he really like her so i'm guessing shes lovely and we may aswell get to know her better as I can imagune we'll be spending a lot more time together.

'Speaking of first kisses' Aisling said. 'I dont know who half of yours were..spill'

'Who was yours ?' Christine asked her.

'Jay' she said 

'Mine was Niall' Andrea replied. 'Sorry Cass' Cassie just laughed it off. 'Who was yours' she asked her.

'Zayn' Cassie replied. Laura looked up now. ANd everyone turned to face her.

'What ?' She asked looking puzzled.

'Who was yours?' Christine asked her.She looked at the floor and then back.

'Zayn' She said quietly.

'What?' Andrea sked her. 'you only had your first kiss this month? That is shocking' 

'Leave her alone.. just cuz you're a slapper' Cassie said playfully, punching her in the arm.

'Oh im the slapper? who out of the gang have you NOT done?' she said back laughing

everybody went silent. and turned to look at her.

'What?' Cassie said looking around. 'Come on you're gonna try and tell me you're all virgins?' 

'I am' Andrea said raising her hand.

'Yea right ' Cassie said

'honestly i am'

'Ok then. Well we know Andrea and Laura are. What about the rest of you?'

'Who was your first' I asked Cassie.


'snap' Aisling laughed. Now everybody turned to look at her.

'What?' She asked 'I thought everybody knew that?'

'OBviously not' Cassie said laughing.

'Who else of my best friends has my boyfriend done?' Georgia asked crossing her arms. Nobody replied for a while.

'You?' Cassie asked

'Excuse me?'

'I just wanted to know.. if he's still a manwhore. How long did he wait til he asked you to hop into bed with him '

'He didn't.'


'Harry was my first.'

'Aww thats cute. Your boyfriend was your first' Andrea said.

'Same here' Added  christine.

'And your first kiss?' I asked her.


awwwwww everybody squealed. 'That is so cute.Cuz you guys were like best friends for so long and knew each other for so long' Aisling said

'I knew it!' Cassie said.

''Louis was my first kiss'' I said more to myself than to them.

We talked well into the night and discussed what we would wear to Louis birthday party next week. And what we were going to pack for the ski trip.

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