Part Three

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Georgia's POV

Harry decided it was too late for me to walk home by myself, so he came with me. 'its a gorgeous night isn't it?' i asked him. 'meh, not as beautiful as you are though...' 'ew that was so corny ' i said, laughing. 'ye i know, but it made you smile and i love putting a smile on your face.' he said reaching for my hand. andi felt my face go all red, i didnt know what to say so i just went silent. i really liked him and we'd been going out for a few months now but i still couldn't believe he was mine. he held my hand and chatted whole way home.. which wasnt very far seeing as i lived down the road from Louis' estate. When we got to my door he just looked into my eyes for a moment then smiled. i couldn't help myself he had the most amazing smile so i leant over and kissed him. 'dont go.' i wispered. 'i have to i said i'd stay at louis' tonight' he said. 'please?' i asked him 'come in i hate being home alone. just stay and watch a movie?' 'ok, ok, i'll come in'. so we sat down on the couch watching the movie and he put his arm around me and i nesteled into him and before i knew it i was falling asleep in his arms.

Aisling's POV

I woke up with the worst hangover ever. i didnt have a clue where i was. all i could remember from last night was seeing christine all over liam. and i was angry and upset. but i dont know what happened. I heard somebody in the shower. i suddenly became aware of the fact that i wasnt wearing my clothes. oh shit what have i done? i thought. who's in the shower? i didnt have a clue. i heard the water stop and i waited for the door to open.

'hey babe' Louis said as he bent down and kissed me. i was so confused. i couldnt have.. could i? 'have fun last night? ;)' 'ye was great' i found myself saying back. 'good' was his reply.'im just gonna go get dressed' as soon as he left the room i looked for my clothes. most of which were on the floor.. all except my bra.. i couldnt find it and i didnt want to wait around to look i just left and snook out the door before Louis could notice.


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