Part Seventeen

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Laura's POV

I pulled on my ice skates and let Zayn bend down to buckle them up for me as he could see I was struggling with them, I can ice skate really well, I just can never get the skates to close properly. I watched him fiddle with the buckles and thought about our first date, it was like 2 months ago now. I remembered how nervous I'd felt that night at Nandos, and thought of how relaxed I am with him now and smiled. He finished and looked up to see me smiling down at him. He smiled back at me and took my had and we walked towards the ice rink. He wasn't the best ice skater I've seen, so I took his hand and told him to relax and how to move smoothly. He caught on pretty quickly and soon we were skating around hand in hand and chatting away. He suddenly stopped in the middle and swung our hands in a circle above my head to spin me around. He caught me off guard and I fell into his arms. I looked into his chocolate brown eyes and was mesmerised. The world fell silent and the people skating around us turned into blurs whizzing past, like the two of us were in Another World. I linked my fingers behind his neck and pulled his face towards mine until our lips met.

Aisling's POV

I sat on my bed looking through my timeline when I thought I heard a light tap on the window. I stopped moving and listened, there was nothing so I continued. After a second I heard it again, louder this time and I knew I defiently hadn't imagined it this time. i got off the bed and pulled back the curtains to see Louis standing in my garden. I opened the window to hear what he was trying to say to me.

'Where fore art thou Juliet?'

i burst out laughing and so did he.

'Thats what Juliet said to Romeo you idiot'

'I know, but I didn't know what he said to her so I just thought I'd improvise' he said smiling up at me.

'What are you doing here?' I asked him, still laughing.

'Get a jumper and meet me in the car.'

I did as I was told and climbed inside the car beside him.

'Where are we going?'

He just raised his eyebrows and smiled at the distance. He distracted me from where we were going by talking and asking me questions. It didn't seem like we drove for long when he stopped the car and got out. I looked out the window. We were in the middle of nowhere, on the top of a hill looking down on an empty field. Louis opened the boot and I turned in his direction.

'Where are we?' I asked him.

no reply.

'Louis?' i asked stepping out of the car. Now I knew where we were. On the hill over looking the whole town and the lake. I dragged my eyes aways from the view to see Louis sitting on a rug with big cushions for our heads and drinks and some sweets.

'Perfect timing' he said, motioning for me to sit down. 

'For what?' I asked, taking my place beside him. 

'To watch the sunset over the town'

I looked out over the hill and he was right. I looked up and watched as the sky filled with the most beautiful shades of pinks, oranges, blues and purples I had ever seen. I said goodbye to the most beautiful picuture as the sun disappeared behind the town and the darkness swallowed us up. And within minutes it had come and gone. Louis handed me a drink and opened the malteasers and we lay down on the cushions and looked up at the night sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2012 ⏰

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