The Game of Life

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Summary: "Why is school so damn expensive?" He grumbled, putting his money back in the bank.
"Maybe it's because you have six cars full of kids, mi sol?" Raphael smirked and Simon wanted to throw the board across the room.
"It's not my fault I got stuck with such a big family!" He protested. Raphael chuckled quietly and bit his lip.
"You know, a big family wouldn't be all bad. Six cars of kids would be a bit of a hassle, but I think four or five kids would be nice." Raphael's gaze dropped to the floor and Simon nearly choked.
Raphael was asking to have a family with him.

or, the one where simon and raphael play life but they spend more time talking than playing the game
By: raphaelsontiago

Simon wouldn't call himself a competitive person. He could play Dance Dance Revolution against Clary until his legs gave out, but that didn't make him competitive. He could play Dungeons and Dragons games for hours until he won, but he wouldn't say that's competitive either. Just a little determined, that's all.

So, when he challenged Raphael to the Game of Life, he was planning on playing to win.

To say Raphael had been stressed lately would be a drastic understatement. When Simon let Camille out, he had immediately placed a load onto Raphael that no man should have to deal with. While they've done more than made up since then, Camille was still out there, and Raphael has been looking for her non-stop. Everyone knew he needed to take a break.

Simon took Raphael by the hand and guided him to the living room, a smile playing at his lips. He sat on the floor, waiting for Raphael to join him.

"What are we doing here, Simon?" Raphael sighed, sitting down in front of the set up game board, when Simon looked at him expectantly.

"I told you. We're playing a game, Raph. Now, pick a car." Simon pouted, his impatience getting the better of him. He hadn't played Life since he was a kid with Rebecca. She always won, but she was older and had more experience. Raphael had never played the game before, so Simon had the upperhand for once.

He nearly laughed when Raphael reached for the red car.

"You picked red. Like blood." Simon put a hand over his mouth to cover his smile. Raphael wasn't impressed.

"Come on, it's funny. Get it? Because, we're both vampires."

"Why do I love you?" Raphael asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Because of my geekish charm and suave nature?" The fledgling grabbed the pink car. He'd like to say it was because it was the closest color to red, and he wanted to make the vampire pun himself, but it was really because of Raphael. It wasn't a surprise, as most of Simon's thoughts ended up being about Raphael. This time it was about him and his suit. Simon had first seen Raphael's pink suit when he was searching through his closet for an outfit to wear to Alec's wedding.

However, the first time Simon saw Raphael wearing the suit was on Valentine's day. He had insisted on taking Raphael out. They may be vampires, but that didn't mean they couldn't act like any mundane couple. Simon took Raphael to an art museum. Simon wasn't particularly interested in the art, but seeing Raphael's eyes light up as he looked at a Van Gogh piece made it all worth it. After that, they had gone out to dinner. All in all, it was a lovely night and Simon felt warm whenever he found himself thinking about it.

Simon put his car next to Raphael's at the starting area, one blue peg in each car. He took the college route, while Raphael went straight to a job. While immediately getting an occupation was nice, Simon would never get to finish college in real life, so he might as well live vicariously through the little blue peg that represented him. As if his life wasn't already sad enough.

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