The Suit

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Summary: Simon needed a suit for Alec's wedding and Raphael seemed like the obvious choice to go for help.
By: isabellexx

"Remind me again why you're going to this wedding?" Raphael asked, while opening his slightly too big closet. "

Simon had burst into Raphael's room a couple of minutes ago asking him for help. Raphael normally would've made whoever did that feel sorry, but the fledgling was so hopeless it was entertaining to see. Simon had told Raphael he desperately needed a suit and he was lucky enough to get him in a good enough mood, which had resulted in the leader now trying to find a suit for his stupid fledgling.

"Because..." Simon stopped for a second. "Well, because Clary is going and she invited me."

"Oh, right" Raphael raised his eyebrows. "You do know you're not a werewolf to be following her around like a lost puppy, right?"

"I'm not-I'm not following her like a puppy. I am her best friend."

Simon look weirdly uncomfortable. It wasn't because of Raphael anymore. They were both already used to each other's companies, but yet Simon couldn't stop fidgeting and that was extremely annoying for Raphael.

"If you say so." Raphael took a black suit from his closet and handled it to Simon. "Here, I think this will fit."

Simon took the suit and stood awkwardly on Raphael's room, looking at him with a weird expression.

"What?" Raphael asked, not that he cared about what Simon was thinking or anything like that. Obviously.

"Nothing." Simon replied and moved for the door. "I'll go try it on."

Simon left Raphael's room and went to his, which was actually next door. He had wondered why Raphael would give him a room so close to his, but he was probably just trying to keep Simon where he could see him and make sure he wouldn't do something stupid. The boy sighed and started to put Raphael's suit on.

The suit was actually really beautiful, it looked so expensive and fancy that when Simon put it in he felt completely out of place. But it was a typical Raphael look, the type of clothing that would make you look sophisticated like you were in your way to the Opera and after that you'd have a wine tasting session with the Queen or something. Simon realized the suit also smelled a little bit like Raphael, like the cologne the vampire would always use and his hair product. Simon had noticed Raphael used a lot of hair product, which was weird but also made his hair look amazing.

"I see it fit." Raphael's voice echoed in Simon's room.

Simon almost jumped at the sound of Raphael's voice, but he controlled himself. Raphael had made a habit out of scaring Simon by appearing really close to him at the most random times. He'd always say it was to train Simon, but the fledgling believed Raphael only did that because he enjoyed seeing him scared.

"Are you sure I can borrow this? It looks really expensive..."

Simon was glad he hadn't stumbled in his words this time. He could remember the first time he had a conversation with Raphael about his clothing and how that had end up badly. He was still cursing himself for throwing that blade at Raphael. How could he have been such an idiot to think that it would actually hurt him? He was glad Raphael had never brought the subject up again, though.

"Don't worry, I have plenty of suits in case you ruin this one like you did with my jackets." Raphael's tone seemed threatening, but the smirk in his face gave away that he didn't really mind much.

"Well... Do you think I look good?" Simon asked naturally, but he didn't look at Raphael.

"You're asking me?" Raphael's expression didn't change. He still had that smirk in his face.

"Yeah? I mean... I am not asking if you exactly think I look good. Because I know that you don't like that. Or I think you don't. But it would be okay if you did, not that I care. I just-"

"Do you ever shut up?" Raphael rolled his eyes. "Se ve bien en ti."

Raphael mumbled and Simon could only think that he had probably called him stupid or something. In that moment he really wished he had paid attention to his spanish classes in high school.

"What does that mean?"

Raphael let out an annoyed sigh. "I said it looks good on you."

Simon stared at Raphael for a while, his compliment gave Simon a weird feeling. Mostly because it was probably the first nice thing he had said about him. Before Simon could thank him, or tease him which was what he was probably going to do, Raphael had already disappeared from the room. Simon looked at himself in the mirror one last time before leaving and he noticed he was starting to look a lot like Raphael. He couldn't tell if that was good or not, but at the time he had settled for good.

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