Missing home

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Summary: "I missed you, you know?" he whispers and Raphael hums something undefinable, but doesn't say anything else.
Simon waits a few moments before he pokes Raphael into the side and says "You know, you are supposed to say that back."
Raphael sits up and looks at him, a slight smirk on his face.
"I'm also supposed not to lie, so..." he trails of and Simon gasps scandalized.
"Asshole!" he huffs and shoves Raphael a bit away from him, then crosses his arms.
"I take it back. The only thing I missed about you was your cock, not the person attached to it!"
By: ABlueLightInTheDark

Simon is sitting on his bed in his room in the hotel DuMort.
It's early in the morning and he should be asleep, but instead he's waiting, his legs stretched out, back against the headboard and a comic book in his hands.

It's been over a week since he saw Raphael the last time, because he went to Idris for some kind of meeting. Simon has no idea what kind of meeting and honestly, he doesn't care at all. What he does care about is the fact, that this stupid meeting kept his boyfriend so busy that he didn't even have the time to call Simon while he was away.
In fact, Simon only knows that Raphael is still alive because of the few messages he send him. Which, by the way, were no longer than ten words.

So it's completely understandable that Simon's still awake, waiting for his boyfriend to come home any moment instead of sleeping. Sleeping is overrated anyways, his comics are so much more interesting.

He's halfway through one of his Deadpool comics when the door opens with a slight creek and his head jerks up to see Raphael walk into the room.
Raphael seems to have already changed, since he isn't wearing his usual suit, but comfortable sweatpants and a loose black shirt. His bare feet make little to no sound on the cold floor and Simon smiles brightly at him, before closing his comic book and setting it aside on his drawer.

"Hey! You already changed?" he says and Raphael smiles slightly, sliding onto the bed before crawling into Simon's lap.

Simon bites back a chuckle at that. By now he knows that Raphael loves to sit on his lap, but when he first found out he had been speechless. Because how could their harsh leader lower himself to sit in someone else's lap like a child? It had been a miracle, but Simon got used to it pretty fast. The same way he got used to Raphael being one cuddly piece of shit when he is sleepy. Man, is his boyfriend clingy when he's tired...
But anyways, they are now facing each other, Raphael with his legs on either side of Simons thighs, when Raphael drops his head onto Simon's shoulder.

"Magnus portaled me into my room since he hasn't been in yours, yet. I decided to change, because I was reeking o werewolf. Dios mio, I don't know why they thought they had to place those stupid dogs right next to me..." he groans and Simon chuckles.

"They aren't that bad." he tries to defend them, mostly because of Luke and Raphael growls.
"They are so exhausting! I don't know why I even try to work with them. And the nephilim aren't better. Worse even, the werewolves are downworlders at least."

Simon rolls his eyes at his boyfriends whining.

"I bet you did great anyways." he tells him and Raphael huffs.

"Of course I did great! I did magnificent. Everything went like planned, but the werewolves and nephilim were still a pain in the ass." he mumbles into Simon's shoulder, making him laugh silently.
Yeah, how could he think that his boyfriend needed reassurement? He still had an ego the size of the empire state building...

Wrapping his hands around Raphael's waist he places a kiss on his dark, curly hair.

"I missed you, you know?" he whispers and Raphael hums something undefinable, but doesn't say anything else.
Simon waits a few moments before he pokes Raphael into the side and says "You know, you are supposed to say that back."

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