I sit there with a grin plastered across my face, a sudden feeling of freedom overcomes me and for once I feel confident.

"Want to go to the bar?" I ask, hoping he'll say yes.

He looks at me debating what to say,

"Sure I'll come" He smiles revealing his dimples before speaking again, "You don't look like the sort to drink, I mean I wouldn't think it's something you do often" He states

"Me? I drink quite a bit actually, I find it relaxing" I shrug, "I used to smoke but I gave that up about a year ago, and I'm trying to cut down drinking too; I haven't had a sip in about a week actually" I say realising how long it's been for me; others would laugh at how little I'd gone without any but for me it was an achievement, I feel quite proud of myself.

"It's good you're trying to quit though, I should probably do that" He laughs as he scratches his neck awkwardly,
"What's your name? I mean you never actually told me, neither have I come to think of it, Hi I'm Simon" we both laugh realising how long it took for us to actually introduce ourselves.

The voices tell me not to tell him, that if he says it he owns a piece of me. I stop walking and my smile fades, a lot of people who used to say my name have left me now, and each one of them took a piece of me with them; my name.

He notices I've stopped and gives me a sad smile,
"It's ok, you don't have to tell me right now, if the voices don't want you to" He smiles, I gaze at him, how did he guess?

"What?" He asks

"How did you know it was because of the voices?" I rethink my thoughts, yet this time aloud, he shrugs,

"I'm good at guessing I suppose" suddenly an idea pops into my head

"Oh yeah? Well Simon if you can guess my name by the time we reach the bar I will pay for your drink" He grins widely

"Ok deal. Now lets see...Long brown hair, hazelnut eyes, a pair of grey jeans and a hoodie, I would say you look a bit like a..." He ponders for a second,

"Elizabeth, but people call you Lizzie?" He says questioning himself

I just gaze at him, he was right when he said he was good at guessing.

"What the actual fuck? Are u kidding me?" His eyes widen,

"Did i get it right?!" He gasps, I just nod whilst looking at him in awe,

"HA HA MOTHERFICKERS MINTER 1, LIZ 0" He shouts causing eyes to turn our way and the voices to start getting loud again, I take deep breaths and he notices and apologises,

"Sorry I didn't realise they don't like people shouting" He tells me, I just nod.

The voices really don't trust him.

But I do...

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