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"Simon" I yell opening my door to find him stood with some mistletoe,

I roll my eyes before kissing him,

"I missed that" He smirks at my comment,

"Me too" He says giving me another kiss before Scout's impatience causes him to start jumping up and licking Simon,

We go to the kitchen and I put on the kettle to make myself a cup of tea and get him a can of Dr Pepper,

"Liz, did you cheat on me with Josh?" I turn round and scrunch my face up before getting the joke and tutting,

"No Si but there isn't much in the fridge unless you want water?" I laugh,

He smiles and pulls me over to him, we stand there in the comfortable silence with his arms round my waist.

"So did you have a good Christmas?"  I ask him, breaking the silence and jumping up onto the island,

"Yeah it was great" He begins and I'm already intrigued by whatever crazy things he got up to whilst home,

He starts yawning in between phrase and I grab his hand and take him to my room where we both collapse into the sheets, I look at him stroking his hair,

"Simon you should sleep" I say, his exhaustion completely obvious,

"But I wanna know what you did" He whines,

"I'll tell you tomorrow" I tell him biting my lip,

"Plus we have the New Year's party tomorrow" I add knowing he wants to go,ko

He reluctantly agrees to sleep and I give him a kiss before he wraps his arms around me protectively. I always feel safe with him. I trust him with my life.

"Morning beautiful" He says fiddling with my hair,

"Hey handsome" I reply with a faint blush making itself known ,

We get up and I grab some fruit and make us both smoothies and grabbing some toast to eat,

"Sorry Si, no massive fry up today" I say and he just shrugs his shoulders and says he doesn't mind,

"You excited for the New Years party?" He asks me,

"Yeah I've never had a proper one" I smile,

We head out to go get some alcohol for the night as JJ asked us to bring some so we thought we might as well help out. As we walk out the shop he pulls me into his side and we walk together slowly taking in the fresh air, as Simon doesn't really leave the house much unless he's coming to see me or to go to Nandos or the pitch.

"So tell me what you did for Christmas" I gulp,

"Okay, don't be mad I didn't tell you sooner but... I...I spent it with Lewis" I tell him,

"Didn't Lewis go to America?" He questions confused,

"No my brother..." His face drops and I start explaining what happened.

I get my bag and walk out the door and head for the train station. I get the train that's just about to leave my impatience growing and making me eager to get there to see if they are there. I take the long walk and then enter through my usual way in. I sneak up the stairs and there he is. I let out a small sob and they turned around so I try and hide behind the door but I hear the get up and approach so I leg it with their shouts chasing me as I run,

"LIZ!"  At hearing my brother call my name for the first time in years I fall into my river of tears before I hear splashes and see him wading his way over to me in the shallow part of the lake,

"Lew?" He nods and wraps his arms around me, he slowly walks me back to dry land,

"I didn't mean for you to see me, and I didn't realize I was running into the lake" I tell him sobbing,

"You didn't want me to see you?" He asks clearly confused,

"You haven't seen me any of the other years and I didn't want to explain myself,

"You see me here every year don't you?"  I nod and he hugs me again,

We walk back through the forest and get into his car and end up talking for five hours straight just catching up before he drives me back to his apartment to sleep as it's 3am .

The voices said I shouldn't of told Simon.

But he deserves to know...

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