
527 31 4

Kind of wishing that I was a bird right now...


Just saw a fluffy dog in the street, may have borrowed it without permission

Hey Tony, why does all your liquor taste like motor oil??   

Don't know why Thor is singing Beyoncé, quite scared

Did you guys know I have kids?

Don't follow @/PMaxiDiddy7845 he will steal your furniture and eat everything in your fridge

Take it back, go follow @/PMaxiDiddy7845. Thanks for stealing all my pants btw.

@/BarnesBuchananJames can you stop using my electric arrows to electrocute yourself? I only get a few of those! Stick your hand in the toaster.

@/RealBlackWidow can you stop calling be birdbrain in front of my kids? They keep calling me birdbrain and Laura refuses to do something

Man do I want cake right now

If The Avengers Had TwitterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt