Category: Superheroes
(Dedicated to @eccentricities for asking for it)
1."Superpowers, don't always make you a superhero.'' -said Duck from Hunger by Michael Grant
2. "The thing that separates this film from other superhero films is that Batman is entirely plausible. There aren't any superpowers involved in the film. There aren't any mutants, no characters from other planets. It's set firmly in the real world. And I think in that way it makes it more accessible to the audience. You could never be Superman, you could never be The Incredible Hulk, but anybody could become Batman - you'd have to inherit a couple billion dollars and have all these gadgets, but nevertheless it's possible. Like maybe if we tried hard enough, if we worked hard enough, if we trained hard enough, maybe, just maybe, we could become Batman." -David Goye
3. "No, she doesn't know it's me. I'm in disguise. Look, I know someone who does this with just a pair of glasses. And I have glasses AND a moustache." -Dan Slott, Batman Adventures
4. "There are two types of people on planet Earth, Batman and Iron Man. Batman has a secret identity, right? So Bruce Wayne has to walk around every second of every day knowing that if somebody finds out his secret, his family is dead, his friends are dead, everyone he loves gets tortured to death by costumed supervillains. And he has to live with the weight of that secret every day. But not Tony Stark, he's open about who he is. He tells the world he's Iron Man, he doesn't give a shit. He doesn't have that shadow hanging over him, he doesn't have to spend energy building up those walls of lies around himself. You're one or the other - either you're one of those people who has to hide your real self because it would ruin you if it came out, because of your secret fetishes or addictions or crimes, or you're not one of those people. And the two groups aren't even living in the same universe." -David Wong, This Book Is Full of Spiders
5. "In short, superheroes balance the forces of light and dark, rage and serenity, and the sacred and the profane within themselves and from it forge an identity that is powerful and purposeful." -Deepak Chopra, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheroes: Harnessing Our Power to Change the World
6. "It's not about who's got powers, morons. It's about who's not afraid. And who's going to do what has to be done." -Michael Grant, Gone
7. ''If I had super powers I probably wouldn't use it to help people. I'd probably just be a smartass and mess with people's minds.'' -Unkown
8. ''Admit it, at some point in time you've tried to see if you had superpowers.'' -Unknown
9. ''Superpowers flex their wings, hold the world on puppet strings.'' -Offspring
10. ''There are angels and heroes all around us. Their super powers are not revealed to all...just to those whose paths they cross and whose lives they touch everyday.'' -Susan Gale
Quotes To Remember
RandomWhen you are bored, in need of some creatively hidden advice, or just looking for cool quotes, flip through this and your problems will be solved! Warning: the accuracy of the things mentioned in this blurb are not guaranteed. [I do not own any...