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"Dude she was fuckin hot, I'm telling you her p-" The guy with blue hair shuts up when he looks up from his artwork. The tan guy burst out laughing, knowing I was there all along.

"Welcome to Eye Inked, I am Calum." The tan guy says standing up from cleaning his tools and walking towards me. "What can I getcha?" Calum asks winking at me.

"You could have told me someone walked in." The blue haired guy states going back to his doodling.

"You shouldn't be talking about your one night stands during work hours." Calum laughs going behind a little desk and sitting down. "What's your name sweetheart?" He asks grinning at me.

"Elowen." I mumble trying to look at anything but the guy, feeling silly that I walked into the shop.

"Here." Calum gets up and walks towards the black couch that is by the door. He grabs a book off the coffee table and sits on the couch, he pats the spot next to him. The door opens and two guys walk in, both with lip piercings.

"Luke, Ashton!" The blue haired guy cheers, I go to Calum and sit next to him, gaining the eyes from the guy with curly brown hair. I blush and hide my face making Calum clear his throat.

"What can we get for you guys?" Calum asks opening the book on his lap.

"Michael wanted to do some free hand." The guy with blond hair states going to the blue haired guy, Michael and sitting down on his black table.

"Sweet." Calum nods looking back at me. "Why did you come in here?" He questions

"I um wanted," I pause and look at the other guys in the room. "piercings." I finish looking at Calum who smiles at me and closes the book, the title says Eye Inked and has a detailed eye designed on the front.

"Cal, do you want me to do it real quick before I start on Luke?" Michael asks putting gloves on his hands.

"Nah, I got her." Calum leans closer to me and whispers. "Something tells me it's not your ears you want pierced." I can feel the heat rising, I nod making him chuckle. He stands up and "Come on, we have our piercing stuff in the back." He staats walking to the back of the small store and goes behind a white curtain. I quickly follow him and enter a room that has another one of the tables, like the one Luke sat on, the walls are a pale blue, with a few pictures of tattoos on them. The whole left side is drawers and shelves. "This is the storage room and where we do tattoos that are in personal places, as well as piercings." I nod and look at the table unsure. "If you are not 100% I am not going to do this." Calum states sitting in a chair that rolls.

"No! I want them." I sit on the table and bite my lip. "I haven't gotten a piercing since I was eight, and that was just my ears. And I don't like needles, they are scary." Calum chuckles and rolls closer to me.

"They are very scary baby, but if you want a piercing I will have to use a needle. I promise to be quick and give you pain medicine." His hands rest on my legs as he talks, I nod and blush when he uses the pet name. "Do you want your belly button pierced?" He asks rolling away and to some drawers.

"No." I shake my head "I want my nipples pierced." Calum freezes for a second before grabbing what he needs.

"Are you sure?" He asks looking over at me before grabbing a drawer out and moving closer to me with it.

"Yes." I answer him

"Do you want barbells or a ring?" He asks setting the tray next to me and showing me the two kinds.

"Barbells." I answer, the excitement and nervousness kicking in. He places the barbell back into the tray.

"One or both?" He questions rolling back

"Both." He grabs another ring out and grabs his tools putting them on a little surgical tray thing that has wheels. "Okay I am going to give you the run down of what is going to happen. Once I pierce your nipples I am going to put a Band-Aid over them, in about four hours you need to clean your nipples with water only." I nod as he pauses "I have a special solution to clean them with, no pulling or tugging on the nipples for about eight weeks, and if there is any sign of infection go to a doctor." He finishes before  handing me a clipboard to sign, I sign it and hand it back, he puts it on a table in the right hand corner before coming back to me. He puts on some gloves."Take off  your shirt." I do as he says and reach behind me to take off my bra. He grabs the shirt and bra and motions for me to lay down. I do as he says, he places the clothes by my feet before he gets closer to me.

"I'm scared." I mumble, his eyes flashing up to meet mine.

"It will be okay. They will look smoking hot on you." He chuckles, "Grab onto my arm if it hurts, okay babe?" He asks, I nod making him smile, his tank top barely counts as a shirt since it is ripped down the sides. I lay flat as he cleans my left nipple with an alcohol swab making me gasp "Sorry, it is cold. I forgot to warn you." He mumbles grabbing he tool that kind of look like tongs. He pinches my nipple making me gasp again, grabbing onto his arm. "It's okay, I just need this so I can put the needle through. You are okay." He assures, his dark eyes meeting mine. My nails go into his arm when he pierces. "Do you want me to do the other one?"

"Yes." I nod grabbing his arm when he moves to my other side. He repeats the process and stands up to look at his work making the heat creep up my neck.

"Beautiful." He mumbles grabbing two Band-Aids and placing them over my nipples. "Careful when you take them off." He warns me helping me sit up and handing me my clothes. "Can I have your number, so I can check up on the healing of course?"

~A vote and stuff would be nice~

Daddy- Calum Hood Punk AUWhere stories live. Discover now