The Maine

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So, my absolute favorite band happens to be a band that a lot of people haven't heard of. It's a band called The Maine. And their drummer happens to be really cute.

If you have never listened to them, I suggest you do. They're really good. I say maybe start off with the American Candy album then like work your way to the older albums if you end up liking them.

If you already like them, please be my friend bc like no one knows them.

Here's a few pictures of each one:

John- Lead singer

John- Lead singer

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Pat- Drummer

Jared- Lead Guitarist

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Jared- Lead Guitarist

Garrett- Bassist (I chose the best picture ever :3)

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Garrett- Bassist
(I chose the best picture ever :3)

Garrett- Bassist (I chose the best picture ever :3)

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And last but not least, Kennedy- Guitarist

Like I said, Pat's really cute but he's mine so stay back xD Okay, I'm done

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Like I said, Pat's really cute but he's mine so stay back xD Okay, I'm done. Byee

~ Xx Maya

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