7. Mistakes

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Sorry I'm not updating more often. School's stressful af. I have lots of time off coming up, so I'll do my best to write as much as possible!

I've started working on a new fic. I'm not sure if I'll publish it or not, so that might be something to look forward to. I'm p proud of it so far c:



Dean fucked up.

A few times, actually.

And at this rate, Castiel would figure out that "Daniel" didn't exist pretty fast.

Actually, "Castiel" had been his first mistake.

The date went well. They hardly did anything romantic. Aside from what he told "Daniel" he'd do, Cas took Dean to see the stars, but it wasn't as romantic as they'd hoped. The location Cas picked was too close to the town to be enjoyable.

One thing Cas had done was explain why he doesn't use "Castiel." Something about it having a negative connotation in relation to his family. He explained he wouldn't stop Dean from calling him that, but asked that Dean wouldn't tell anyone.

A minute or two after Dean got home, he called Cas as "Daniel," asking how the date went.

And, of course, he was smart enough to begin the call with "Hey Castiel! It's Daniel."

After a few moments of silence, Cas responded, "Hey, Daniel."

Dean smacked himself on the forehead when he realized what he said.

"How was the date? Tell me all about the stargazing."

"Did Dean tell you about it?"

"No, he went straight to bed. That's why I called you."

The following moments of silence gave Dean enough time to hit himself on the head a few more times.

Finally, he heard a meek "...Okay" followed by "Hey, Dan, I'm really tired. Can I tell you about it later?"




And Cas hung up.

The next day, Dean went to school as Dean. It seemed like Cas might have been trying to avoid him, but if he was, he was doing a terrible job. They just kept running into each other. Finally, right after their last class of the day, Cas held a conversation with him. It was awkward. Cas seemed a little nervous.

"Hey, Cas. How's it going?"

"Good, good..."

"Last night was really fun. Thanks for taking me out," he said with a smile.

"Did you tell Daniel my name? My full name?"

He was surprised by his straightforwardness. "No. You asked me not to, so I didn't," he said. "Maybe he knew it because your my soulmate? I've known your name as long as I can remember. Maybe he just called you by it because he figured out it was you."

Castiel squinted. Dean realized he hadn't mentioned Daniel calling him Castiel.

"Okay," he said. "Hey, I have to go. My dad wants me home right after school today. Talk later."

"Okay, cya later," Dean called after him as he walked away.

He was hoping Cas hadn't noticed his mistakes, but judging by his behavior, he definitely knew something was up. Dean would either have to step up his lying game or tell the truth, and he'd hate to do either. There was no guarantee that Cas liked him enough to stay with him if he figured out he was lying. But, then again, the later he figured it out, the angrier he would be.

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