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Strangest thing -

You know it's amazing how we never speak
I want to talk but only do I weep
It's the strangest thing

It's the strangest thing that I love you and hate you at the same time
It's the strangest thing that I want to talk to you and block you at the same time
It's the strangest thing that you tell me you love me and then ignore my existence

Wouldn't you say that it all is strange
I want to talk but I can't without pain
I know you may not respond but I torture myself all the same

The words that sting may confuse some for the words that sting most
Are I love you my first one

Because I know the truth
Love is not hate
Love is not pain
Love is not screaming, and yelling, and hitting
Love is not

What we had it was not love
What we had was pain from below
What we had made me hurt every day
What we had makes me hurt in every way

A mother I think not
For if it were true I would be there now
Sitting next to you

We would laugh
We should sing
We would be together without a sting

A sting that divides us eternally but a bond created from my first breath

Mother I know that you will never see
That the way you treated me
Almost killed thee

But mother
I have to wonder
Don't you agree
That all of this is really one of the most strangest things

-Alison Commet

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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