First Encounters

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A brilliant gold flame flickers on, burning deep within three. Only the three. An unlocked spark.

At first the Whisperer who will bear a pure opal cast in iron upon their  finger,

Then the Enchantress, a ruby resting on their sunken collarbones,

Last, the Warrior. The most powerful of all. A small silver mark on their finger, which will glow when near any potential danger.

All three are needed to protect and unite all against the great evil that now comes fast towards the innocent.

But the three are dead.


I visited Brinn every morning before the sun rose in those cold first winter months. Always passing the lake where we first met, wondering if any secrets still perhaps lay underneath the many layers of ice. Winter came and went quicker than I could have ever have imagined and Brinn's strength grew ever stronger. After what seemed like no time his torn wing had healed and he was able to fly again. I would sometimes never see him for weeks on end, but he always came back and told me stories of his travels.

I had told no one where I was going that morning. The pale moon had sunk, and dawn was beginning to break over the kingdom. I had decided to venture out over the moors and past the melting Lake Elvador to the cave. Brinn had left three weeks ago, saying that he would be back after the 21st Day. That was today.

Pale sunlight shone off of the still lake, making the surface appear like a great mirror. Rocks stuck into my worn feet as I walked along the forest path, but I didn't care. It didn't hurt that much. My lungs filled with the sweet smell of fresh pine needles as I inhaled deeply. I closed my heavy eyes and sighed, hearing the gentle waves from the lake lapping against the bank. It was so peaceful here, so serene, like an untouched part of the world. A twig snapped behind me, making me jump. My eyes quickly opened and focused on a small figure with red hair about 10 metres away. It was Rosa and she was dying of laughter.

I made my way towards her, suddenly feeling very angry. I felt for her small bony shoulders and shook them. "What on earth do you mean by following me ok here!"
Her shrill laughter rang through the trees.
"Oh my.... Raaf.... I can't breathe..... You were just standing there breathing in so loud with your eyes shut..... I can't....  You looked so stupid...."
My cheeks turned bright red as I blushed.
"Why were you following me Rosalie!" I crossed my arms.
She took a deep breath, trying to stop the laugh that was threatning to issue from her lips.
"Thought you were seeing someone."
Rosa giggled, her whole frame shaking as she spoke again.
"But what girl would want to meet with you!"
I turned my back on her, and started walking away down the path.
She wasn't going to get to me.
I heard her small feet skipping along behind me.
Urghh, why is the little pest following me.
I decided to let her just this once. Maybe if Brinn was back, I could get him to singe all her hair off.

It took almost an hour to reach the cave. I walked along in front most of the way and Rosa trailed along behind - dragging her feet along the ground.
We reached the mouth of the  cave just as the sun reached its peak in the cloudless sky.

My small voice echoed off the stone walls that were covered in deep scratches.
A small hand tapped me on the shoulder.
"Who is Brinn, Raaf?" My little sister asked, her small face full of curiosity.
Before I could answer something stirred in the back of the cave.
A scaly tail brushed the dusty floor as the dragon turned around.
Bulbous eyes started straight at us as Brinn shuffled out of the gloom.
Rosa screamed.
I grinned.
"That, my small friend, is Brinn."

Ok - that was a long chapter, hopefully some of you have read the whole thing!!!
Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment.

xxx - Sky

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