Getting Started

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Tzuyu's POV

Damn, thank god Sana didn't ask me how I knew her name. It slipped out without me realising. Watching her ramble aimlessly was just so cute but I needed to get started on my work.

She wasn't letting me talk so I had to bang the table to get her attention. She jerked back immediately and I kind of regretted my choice.

"You're in charge of company sales and profits correct? Can I please get a detailed report on it on my desk by the end of the day?" I asked her.

She just nodded quietly and ran out of the room, almost running into the door. I chuckled to myself at the memories of years ago. She's still as clumsy as always.

I walked back to the room and called in Jinwoo.

"So did I go alright?" I asked him, nervous about the outcome.

He chuckled slightly before answering, "If anyone saw you, they'd think that you were a very experienced CEO. You handled everything well like we practiced and added your own bits too. It was quite satisfying to watch actually."

I couldn't help but smile at his comment and sent him out on a food errand. I was craving some ramen. He complained initially but went anyway because I kept annoying him.

I got started on working through the mess of the company. The person that was last in charge of the company seemed to do a good job at hiding everything. I cracked my knuckles and got started on hacking the company files. I needed to see what was going on inside.

I listed down the names of the missing shareholders and the amount of money that seemed to be missing. So far four out of seven major shareholders were missing, leaving three behind; Sana's dad, Takuma Minatozaki and another two people by the name of Lee Joohyun and Park Kihyo. Sana's dad was involved in this too? He was actually the biggest shareholder in the company!

I sent the names to my task handler and got on to getting secret protective services for the three remaining shareholders. They had to make sure they weren't obvious and had to blend it. It was part of our training.

I decided to take a break and eat the ramen that Jinwoo had brought in earlier. It was getting pretty late and Sana was still working on his given task. She's so stubborn sometimes. She's probably scared that I would get her into trouble if she didn't give it in by the end of the day. Most people had already left so I called her into my room, offering her my other packet of ramen that I was glad Jinwoo had brought.

"Eat. Please. You haven't left that desk since I assigned the task and I feel like it's my responsibility. I know you think there's a high expectation from me but what is that work worth if you fall ill or get hurt in the process?" I said, shaking my head.

"Is there a reason you're eating this Ma'am?" She asked, curious about her taste in food.

"Why, you don't want to eat it?" I teased, pretending to take the ramen off her.

She swatted my hand away and simply continued to eat. I scoffed at her treatment. Did she forget I was the CEO already when it came to food? Not surprising at all to be honest.

"So about earlier today, what are you going to do about it?" I asked, noticing that she was slurping up her food quicker than ever.

I offered her my ramen too and she ate it all up. So her habits were still the same. When she finished eating, she finally decided to answer.

"I'll do whatever you want me to Ma'am! Just let me know what you want done." She responded strongly and confidently, heading towards the door. "Thank you for the meal Ma'am."

"Wait up Miss Minatozaki!" I called out and she turned around to face me. "I'm still hungry and you ate my food so it's only fair that you treat me to a meal."

She looked at the two wrappers of ramen in her hand and I could've sworn I heard her whimper. She looked so guilty and so sad. She's worn that look on her face most of the day, now that I realised it.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Ma'am, I've just had a bad day and I... I just want to get home..." She started.

"That's okay I was just testing you! Go home Miss Minatozaki. You've had a long day." I said, shrugging my suit on once again and grabbing my keys to leave.

So there was a reason she was upset and distracted the whole day. Maybe I'll ask about it later or something. Actually, I shouldn't even be asking at all!

Sana seemed like she wanted to say anything and was arguing in her head.

This was better for me actually.

I could discuss the transaction reports with Jinwoo and analyse them to get some progress on the issue before another shareholder disappeared from the company.

I was in the mood for a walk actually. So I left the company to take a tour of the place.

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