U Go Girl

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Sana's POV

I got ready for work and decided to wear something a little... revealing.

I felt a lot bolder since this morning.

Tzuyu hated it when I wore revealing clothes so maybe she'll soften up if she sees me and let me talk to her.

Jinwoo's jaw slightly dropped when he saw me, even if he did try to hide it. If I had this effect on Jinwoo... I'm hoping it would have a similar effect on Tzuyu.

I walked into the office with a mission. Jeongyeon wolf whistled as I passed her, earning a glare from Nayeon. I simply nodded at her, trying to keep up my act.

I felt everyone's eyes on me as soon as I walked inside the office.

A series of "wow" and "holy shit" were heard and I couldn't be more satisfied.

Great effect Sana.

I looked for Tzuyu in her office and was glad to know that she was looking back, slightly angry maybe? Her eyebrows were furrowed together and her eyes told a lot more than it should've.

She was angry for sure.

I sat at my desk and got to work.

"What's the occasion?" Asked Nayeon, sliding up next to me.

"Hmm? What are you talking about?" I replied, trying to feign innocence.

"Stop lying. Spill. Now." Nayeon responded, scoffing at my attempt to lie.

"Alright, alright. I'll spill. Remember how I had a rollercoaster of emotions the other day. It was because Tzuyu and I had a fight." I told Nayeon.

"Oh no. Do I need to kill her for you?" Nayeon said, total seriousness evident in her voice.

"No, no, no! It was all my fault. How could I have been stupid enough to scream at her for not telling me who she was when I didn't recognise her myself and be so inconsiderate of the fact that she went through so much pain because of me?" I responded.

"Shit... that actually does makes sense! But you can't blame yourself completely. The fault is on both of you. Did anything else happen? It looks like you're leaving something out." Nayeon said.

I bit back a smile and blushed.

"Something else DID happen OMG!" Nayeon exclaimed.

"Shhh! Not so loud! Well... we kissed before we fought." I stated.

"You kissed? YES! Jeongyeon owes me money now! We bet on the fact that you guys will kiss within the week. Alright back on topic, is that why you're wearing sexyclothes? You kissed and fought and you realised you like her a lot more than you expected and you want her back? You're trying to win her back by wearing sexyclothes? That's weird you know." Nayeon replied.

I scowled at her words.

"She hates it when I wear revealing clothes okay. I hope I didn't make things worse because she's actually angry now rather than pleased." I said to Nayeon.

"Uh, she's definitely angry and she's coming your way right now. See ya!" Nayeon said, swinging her chair away from my table.

"Miss Minatozaki, in my room now, please." Said Tzuyu, teeth clenched but still faking a smile.

I gulped and nodded.

The other workers didn't seem to notice the out of character CEO so that was a relief.

I followed her into her room as she closed all the blinds and the door as well.

She looked up at me and I knew I was screwed.

If looks could kill, I'd be dead by now.

Tzuyu's stare was intense and faltering my hope for talking to her but I couldn't fail!

"Why did you call me into your office? I thought you said you were going to stay out of my way?" I asked, trying to sound confident.

I don't know why she said she was going to stay away. It's not like I wanted it or anything.

Tzuyu scoffed before she motioned me to sit down.

I ignored her instructions and moved closer to her instead.

Bold move Sana.

I could tell Tzuyu was getting a little nervous with my proximity.

"You're asking me why I called you in? For fuck's sake was there nothing else in your wardrobe to wear or something?" Tzuyu scolded.

"There's nothing wrong with my clothes!" I said, twirling around.

"Everyone was staring at you when you walked in! Why the hell are you attracting unwanted attention?" Said Tzuyu, sounding annoyed.

"I only needed one person's attention and that was yours! Why the hell would I wear such clothes! I had to go extreme just to get your bloody attention!" I scolded back, inching closer.

"Wha- why the hell would you need my attention! You want me to stay away from you don't you?" She responded, flustered by my closeness.

"When the hell did I ever say that I wanted you to stay away! You decided that on your own! I needed your attention to bloody talk to you! You left without me saying anything what was I meant to do?!" I shot back, almost in tears.

Tzuyu noted my change in emotions and seemed confused on what to do.

"Hold on, I'll be right back." Said Tzuyu before she left the room to do something.

Where the hell did she go now?

She came back a few minutes later and locked the door, sitting up on the table while she talked to me.

"I really needed to stay away and leave the house in that moment because I was sure you wouldn't want me to be around you. My mind was a mess then and I was really confused. I never meant to hurt you, I promise." Said Tzuyu, tears in her eyes now.

I wiped away her tears and my own too. This girl was still apologising to me!

"Ya! Why are you apologising? I'm the one who should be sorry. I feel so ashamed that I couldn't recognise you and I feel even more embarrassed that I blamed you for keeping it away from me. I don't deserve you." I said, looking down.

Tzuyu cradled my face and kissed my forehead softly before lifting my face up and leaning our foreheads together.

"I think we deserve each other actually. We're both stupid enough to assume things without talking to the other." She whispered.

I nodded at her statement, laughing at our stupidity.

"Oh and Sana, thank you for warming me up, even if I wasn't fully conscious. And thank you for the food as well. You saved my life." Tzuyu said, engulfing me in a hug.

I only nodded, worried my voice will fail me.

"I know we've had a heck of a roller coaster ride these past few weeks. A lot of things have happened. I think that everything happened for a reason, that's why we met again. We've become closer through everything even though I loved you from the moment I set eyes on you actually. I can't believe I'm saying it so late. Everything about you is just so amazing and wonderful. You are the light in my life that's always been there. Minatozaki Sana, I want to officially ask you – will you be mine?" Said Tzuyu, eyes never leaving mine.

I nodded and immediately started crying at her words.

"Damn Tzuyu! You ruined my plan!" I mumbled through my tears.

"What plan?" Tzuyu asked, confusion etched on her face as she wiped my tears away.

"This plan." I said, before slanting my lips over hers.

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