Happily Ever After Two Years

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Everything was ready for the night, the ballroom was lit up with chandeliers and candles, the enormous window that took the whole wall facing the garden made the room look bigger, the moonlight complemented the glistening dance floor perfectly. Tables after tables were arranged around the room with desserts and appetizers for the guests who would arrive hungry before dinner was serve. Waiters shuffling around the room finishing their last preparations, some already waiting by their posts for guests to arrive. Everything and everyone was ready.
Except for Belle.

Like usual, she was late, she was probably in our chamber still getting ready for the night. We still had a good half hour before everyone arrived but just in case Belle was losing her head I made my way up the stairs and into the corridor. I go straight, passing a few doors who serve as chambers for our servants. I go to the left where a few doors ahead, our chamber rests. Cogsworth appears, coming out from my chamber. He sees me and bows, "Your Majesty"
I laugh then "For a guy who spent ten years of his life as a clock, you always seem to be late" I teased. 

"I apologize, your majesty, I was making sure madam Belle was alright. She hadn't come downstairs. She said it won't be but a moment." It seems that it wasn't only me who got to know Belle quite well during this past two years together after she broke the curse.
"Oh you know Belle, she likes to take her time getting ready before a big event." He doesn't look amused "yes, precisely because I do know Belle, I felt the urgency to check on her. She's like her father that one, she would lose her head if it wasn't attached to her body! And even so, I'm sure she will still find a way to do so if we leave her alone for too long."

This, in fact, was true, Belle was as inventive as her father and even attempted to create a new tool once. A few days ago she was working on this machine of sorts that as Belle claims, could burn bread. I don't know why anyone would eat burned bread, it would ruin the point of eating bread but nonetheless, she went on about how it was going to be revolutionary and life changing for everyone. She had been reading a book the day before on inventors and their unfinished and failed inventions when she claimed she had an epiphany —a calling, she was going to create something so wonderful. Or so she thought. Once it was time to test it, it caught fire and exploded. the windows broke with all the pieces of the machine flying all over the place. A piece of the bread was left in the middle of the room and Belle yelped with excitement. 

"It worked! It actually worked! I mean yes, It exploded but that's the least of it" she said as she examined the bread. Lumiere took the bread from her hands and started poking at it 

"This bread seems" he looked at the bread trying to find the right word for it "toasty" he finally said. "Is this what you were planning on doing to the poor bread all along?" 

Belle's eyes lit up at his comment "That's it! it's a toaster! I made a toaster! what a great idea Lumiere!" 

Lumiere shrugged with a cocky smile "Well, yes, Thank You, Madam Belle. I am very bright aren't I? probably why I was the one who got turned into a candlelight" 

Cogsworth rolled his eyes "Well, that just seems like a waste of bread to me" now it was Belle's turn to roll her eyes. 

"Well, I guess someone's not having any dinner today, I told the cook to serve toast this evening" I teased him. It took him a few seconds to realize that I wasn't actually serious and everyone laughed at him. Cogsworth wasn't amused. a smile tugged up my face at the memory.

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