C h a p t e r E i g h t~ H o s p i t a l G o w n s

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It was a bright, and colorless room. It smelt of cleaning supplies, and different medicines. A blank curtain hung around the bed just leaving a small gap between the curtian covering my beding, and the other bedding to my left. To my right was a wall with the heart rate monitor near by. My head felt like thick slugish nonsense. My limbs felt heavy, and useless. I tried to move them, but I was not successful. I looked to the small gap in the curtain between me, and the person next to me. I couldn't see their face nor half their body. The only thing really visible was the tips of their fingers hanging off the white bed, and the tips of their toes poking out of their blankets. All where very beat up looking. I wonder what the persons face must have looked like. Footsteps down the hall stopped in front of the bedding next to me. I could see a nurse with dark red hair, and tattoos all along her neck and arms. She looked upset. She moved over to fettle with equipment, and I lost sight of her. I couldn't pick up on any conversation so I'm assuming the other person must have been uncourteous.

I laid in the bed staring at the ceiling for what seemed like forever until I finally heard more people coming. But they weren't there for me they were their for the person next to me. Then a sound I couldn't forget sounded out across the entire floor. Beep Beeeeeee... The doctors, and nurses were yelling commands, and trying to do anything they could. But nothing worked. They unplugged the heart monitor, and all became silent. They lost a patient that day, and I had a front row seat for death working on the clock. When everyone scattered, and they cleaned up the body somewhere else for the family someone came into my area. It was the dark red head nurse from earlier.

"Well look who's finally awake!" she smiled dully.

"What happened to that person next to me?" I asked. The nurses face dropped as she did her daily check up on me. "What happened?" I repeated.

"There's no need to worry about that." She tried to smile and wrote a few tings down. Before she left I tried to get it out of her.

"It does to me. I want to know what happened to him, I heard everyone give up."

She looked at me like I had said something cynical. "We didn't give up." She spat at me, and left the area.

"It sure sounded like you guys did." And that was the last thing said before the floor once again fell silent minus the few nurses taking down the hall.

The next morning my mom came to visit me. The doctor said I could go home. He wasn't sure what caused me to go into a shock so quickly, but he told me to stay as hydrated as possible, and if I ever feel dizzy or uneasy that I should come back and they would run more tests. I saw the red head nurse well grabbing my black sweater, and slipping it on. Not letting go of the conversation the night before I asked the doctor in front of her.

"Dr. Nelson before you go I have a question if you don't mind me asking." The red head already knew what I was up to, and gave me a horrid frown.

"Go right ahead."

"The person who was in the room next to me yesterday. He died didn't he? What happened to them? They looked pretty beat up." I awaited the nurse to say something rude, but before I could say anything the doctor kindly replied.

"He was a student at Mountain Ridge High School. There's been a big deal about the whole school in the news lately about the big pentagram on one of the school walls. Well after that whole thing started up we started getting young people showing up at the hospital saying they had been attacked by a group of people that branded them with the same pentagram. This guy came in not long after you. We weren't expecting much to happen. he didn't look good enough to be able to live. we still tired as best we could. But he had just been beat up to badly with the same brand multiple times." He took a second to pause. Then this is were my curious mouth kicks me in the ass. "That was Racheal's little brother." He was referring to the red headed nurse I was so blindly rude to. My mouth dropped slightly. She grabbed her papers, and left.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2016 ⏰

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