The Haunted House

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    The wind was howling loudly. It made trees swing and slammed the windows. The streets were abandoned as if nobody had lived there before. Inside the huts were dim like they didn't want to be a part of the town Oddville. The town was used to these scenes for years. For a stranger, it was the most peaceful place on earth with the lack of little kids and their noises. Nobody would even think that such a horrible thing had happened here, not anywhere but in Oddville. Whereas for Eric, it was just another normal night in the town. He had lived there since he was an infant; he grew up adopting its legends and culture. He was a tall and stalwart man with keen eyes. A person who saw him from outside would think that he was just a troubled guy since he had a scar above his right eye. But no, he was the son of Oddville's sheriff and he looked up to his father. So, he was dedicated to solve the 'mysterious murders' that were happening in the town that caused all the people to stay in their homes instead of living like normal people.

  He was on duty again, as usual. He couldn't even remember the times he slept. The staircase of his best chum was creaking as he climbed up. Although he had been here a thousand times, something seemed off. He opened the door with a cracking noise and stepped inside. He was praying to God that his best chum was alive, but deep down he had doubts. The living room was empty. He remembered how they used to sit there and talk for hours, grief swelled inside his heart.

He past the kitchen and went to bathroom where he faced the horrible scene. There was blood all over the floor and inside the jacuzzi he saw the dead body of his best friend. He felt sick, as if he was the one being killed. In a daze, he left the house without looking back.

    When he reached to the hall, he saw that all the elders of the town were there and talking. He sat down quietly among them, without talking, preferring to listen. They were talking about "The Zorak" which was believed to be the evil ghost they blamed for these horrifying murders. Eric knew the story from his childhood but never believed it once. That day, he swore that the destruction of The Zorak would be in his hands. From then on, he was known to be the ghost hunter. He gazed around the streets, he was feeling like he was responsible for this town's safety. As he was wandering around, he overheard the legends about the ghost;
" Whoever disturbs the ghost, must face death. The Zorak is the cleverest creature you'll ever see. Once it recognizes you, it may do things that you couldn't even imagine. Do not trust even those you trust the most."

For the first time in his life, Eric felt like he could be beaten. How could he defeat an enemy he couldn't see? He did know that the ghost was this town's founding father who lived a wealthy life but when the town started being colonized by the other states, he swore that he would get his revenge. But the information wasn't enough. Eric needed to take action before it was too late.

He went to every house where the murders had taken place. He searched every tiny detail that could help him to find the ghost. He followed the tracks in each house, he saw that each person had been killed with a knife and their bodies had been found in bathrooms. When he reached the last house where the last person was killed, it led him to another house which was rather far away from the crime scene.

He felt an odd urge to go there. There was something about the house which attracted Eric. He stepped inside. He saw webs covering the furniture as if nobody had lived there for centuries. Eric felt strange, like he had been here before. Although he knew that it wasn't a good idea to be there, his legs refused to listen to him, and he drifted up the stairs through the house. He felt like he no longer had control of his body and all of his strength was leaving him.

Finally, he reached the attic which was full of mirrors. He stepped closer in order to see his reflection, but it wasn't there, nor was it on the any other mirrors. He gasped and blinked a few times to make sure that he wasn't dreaming. It was real and he felt horrified like he had never felt before. Then suddenly his reflection appeared in the mirror behind him. He turned slowly, raised his hand and the reflection did also. Then the reflection took out a knife from its pocket and smiled maliciously. It seemed very familiar to Eric, as if it had happened before...

Then the truth hit him like a ton of bricks! He knew who the ghost was, he knew why he felt so familiar to this haunted house. He was the ghost. The ghost had chosen his body to posses to take revenge on town's people. Eric realized that he would lose his consciousness soon. He had a limited time before the ghost took control of his body again. His mind was whirling with options. He knew exactly what he had to do. Although it was hard for him and it went against everything he believed in, he took the knife from his pocket which was actually there. Without losing a second, he stabbed it into his own heart. Second later he was dead.

   His body was found later that day. Nobody could understand why he killed himself. Some of them thought it was the ghost. The murders stopped after the death of Eric. The town was once again the most peaceful place on earth. After many many years, the story of the ghost was still told and the children believed that there was a curse in the house where Eric died. They called it The Haunted House and never once stepped inside.

However the people never knew just what they owed to Eric; the truth was never once discovered.


A/N: HEY GUYSS!!! How are youuu???

What do you think of Eric and his story??? Did you like the plot?? Did you like the way how it ended??

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