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A/N Some parts will be in their Pov's but most of it will be in text form. 

Also for the text parts I will do dan in bold and phil in italics



Phil's Pov

I sit down at my desk and open up my laptop, opening up youtube to put some music on. I decide on putting some all time low on as they are amazing. This is pretty much how I spend every day when I get home from school. I take my homework out, leave it on my desk, completely ignore it and go on my laptop and phone. I have a pretty popular twitter account with 24.3k followers, why? I have no idea. So most of my time I am tweeting to people. I used to have a lot of mutuals but we eventually stopped talking, maybe I should try get some new ones..

I open up twitter on my phone and start to type out a new tweet. 

" Hi guys, I am unfollowing in active users so if you would like to keep being mutuals/want to be mutuals then just like this tweet" 

I post the tweet and start replying to the tweets I had got during school. I don't understand why so any people talk to me online but not in person, am I really that bad?

My phone starts vibrating and I notice that it is my best friend Louise calling me. Louise is one of the only friends I have, besides Joe and Caspar who I secretly think are dating but won't admit it. I answer the call while logging into twitter on my laptop so I can see if anyone has liked my recent tweet about mutuals. 

Louise starts asking me a bunch of questions about the homework we were given asking me if I had done it yet, we both know I haven't but she still asks every day. Louise and I are lucky because we both take the same subjects so we have all our classes together which is pretty cool and saves me from being alone in class, not that I mind but Louise can make the most boring things funny. 

"No Louise I obviously haven't done the maths homework yet, you should know me by now!"

She continues to tell me how bad this habit of mine is and I won't ever learn to do things on time if I am always online but I honestly don't care. I still do the homework I just leave it to the last minute..maybe that is a bad habit. 

After about an hour I end the call with Louise and go back onto twitter which I completely forgot about due to my long conversation with Louise. 

I wouldn't be surprised if I had 0 likes.

But I had 143. 

What the hell??

I click on my DM's and see that I had a lot of messages. Most people that liked the tweet didn't actually dm me but I assume will just be active with my tweets and stuff. I reply to messages from a guy called Tyler and another from a guy called Caspar, they just said hi so i just replied "Hi whats up?"to them both. But then I see a message from someone called Dan, his message is really cute and awkward so I just had to reply to it. 

 Hi Phil. I'm Dan, I saw your tweet about wanting mutuals and I thought I would message you about it cuz I would love a new friend and well you can see that if you are reading this.. unless you aren't reading this then maybe you won't know this. You  probably just think I am weird and awkward and most likely won't reply so uh yeah, bye ! 

Hi Dan. Of course I will be your friend ! So.. tell me about yourself, what are you into? etc. 

Well I am pretty boring. I am 16 from England. I like Anime, video games and the internet. Mainly the internet though, its pretty much my life. One day I want to be a youtuber but I don't think people would want to watch me so I've never tried it out, maybe later. Yeah, that's about it I guess. What about you??

Wow! we are pretty alike. I am 17 also from England. I also love anime and video games, oh and music too ! You shouldn't give up on that dream! Also, sorry to go so quickly but I have maths homework I need to do but I will text you later okay? Bye !! 


Okay so that was the first chapter ! I will come back and edit this later so I am sorry if there are any mistakes ! Hope you enjoyed.

peace out girl scouts x

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