t h r e e

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AN: Hi omg so sorry for such a long time gap, i just haven't had the time to upload! ily bye :)

also I know there might not be caps when needed but this is a texting fic so it isn't meant to be top grammar, okay bye :)



Morning! I need to get ready for school now but I hope you have a nice day and I will text you later.. if I don't die during the day lmao

hey, yeah have a nice day, bye!

oh btw phil are you any good at chemistry? I am about to do a chemistry test and I fell asleep revising oops



its okay don't worry you're probably in class or something

hi sorry sorry I was in class, what do you need help with ?

dammit you sent that text an hour ago I am sorry i didn't see it till now

dan? how did it go

it went okay actually thanks I think I was just stressing over nothing :)

I gtg now though so text me when you are home


hi i'm home whats up?

i'm doing homework rip me, what are you doing?

same as you, what subject?

i'm doing maths wbu

maths as well , well the book is next to me but i'm not actually doing anything because I got distracted by this group chat I was added too lol

nice! whats the group chat about?

its an internet support group group chat where we all can just rant and stuff its pretty cool and the people in the group chat are really nice, especially this guy called Caspar :)

aw that sounds nice, I had to turn of my dms because I used to get so many from people it clogged up my notifications all the time

oh yeah I forgot that you're really popular lol

I'm not that popular!

you have 24.3k !

you have 8k though :)

you still have way more than me lol

yeah yeah whatever it doesn't matter to me how many followers you have , I like you not your follower count :)

aw dan your follower count doesn't matter to me either.

good :)

you know dan I was in class the other day, before we started talking , and I kept thinking about how I've always wanted to make some really nice internet friends because I always see all these really cute meeting videos and cute packages and letters sent between mutuals and its so cute and I've always wanted a friendship like that you know? I mean you probably have a lot of mutuals but you're the first proper mutual I've ever made so thank you for not ditching me already and I hope that we can stay friends long enough and maybe meet one day.

wow that was probably really weird I'm sorry. 

goodnight dan.

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