Trouble the first schoolday

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Hey readers, imma post the first chapter. Hope yall like it ;) Please comment what yall think. Peace and Love: Sakki<3


Mom: Wake up Aaliyah..NOW!!

Me: Ok, Ok im coming..

I got into the toilet and did the morning rutine. Then I dressed into grey baggy sweatpants, black tank top and sneakers.

Mom:'s first schoolday..dont you think you should dress on something more...(gco

Me: Nicer..I know but I like this..

Mom: Ok, but eat your breakfast..i have to hurry to work..

Me: Ok

When I ate my breakfast I fast grabbed my coat and backbag..

Me: Im ready..

Mom: lets go ;)

At the school yard:

???: OMG..Aaliyah is it you?

Me: you doing?(hugs)

Sara: I miss look stunning girl

Me: Thanks..I haven't seen you in ages..

Sara: Yeah..where's Jessie?

Me: She said she was on her way..but lets find our locker..

Sara: Aight..

Me: I found it..143

Sara: Mine is ova there..

Me: Ok bye..


Me: are you doing?

Jessie: Im good..but I have big news..

Sara: I know..MB is coming..

Jessie: Not only MB..JB, Diggy, Issa, Jacob Latimore, Wonder Broz, Lil Twist, Selena Gomez, Zendaya, China and Cymphonique is coming..

Me: Ohh..that's so cool............NOT..They are normal ppl just like us, so why make a big deal out of it?

???: Hey chicas..yall look nice..(winks)

Sara:  Hey..Jamila..(hugs)

Jamila: OMG..we're late..lets hurry..

We ran through the hall and finally came through the Girls that was screaming and drooling ova JB..

Me: UGHH...they look so ridiculos..

Jessie: I wish that CB would been here instead of these..

Teacher: Quiet in the classroom..Today we have new students.

Girls: AHHHH...!!

Teacher: Silence..Jacob Perez, Craig Johnson, Randy Rayson and Trey Young, Akoye Castle, Noah Gray, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Cymphonique Miller and Zendaya welcome to the class..

All: Thanks

Girls: AHHH..

Me: Oh shut up (rolls eyes)

???: Bitch..You want fight?

Me: Hell yeah..

???: After school a dancebattle..if you even can dance..

Me: I'll bring my friends..

???: Aight..If I win you'll have to give me 50 bucks

Me: Deal..

Jessie: Why did you do that?

Me: We can dance..And I'll get 50bucks..

Sara: But what if they are better than us?

Jamila: Yeah, they looked pretty good..

Me: No worries..its ok..I have 25bucks..Jessie do you have som money?

Jessie: I have 10 bucks..

Sara: And I have 10 bucks to

Jamila: I have 60 bucks but i'll share..some

Me: Ok, let's go and eat..

Jamila: Im not eating that shit..lets go to the mall..

Sara: But you'll have to pay for the food then.. 

Jamila: But..(gco)

Jessie: No buts..lets go and eat..

Jamila: Yes sir (laughs)

Skipping to after school*

??: Hi, you really think you're better than me?

Me: Of course...I Know I am better than tricks like yall..

???: I'll start..Let the music play..(Yeah 3x)

Jessie (whispers: They are really good..

Me: I think we should run..before the take our money...

Sara: Good idea..(runs)

5minutes later:

Jamila: Im exhausted..

All: Me 2..huh

Me: OMG..they're coming..lets run to Jessies house..

Jessie: Why mine?

Sara: Cause nobody's home..

Jessie: Ohh..right..

At Jessie's House*

Jamila: What cowards we were..Im sure she'll tell the whole school what we did..

Sara: And she was video-taping it..

Jessie: We are in trouble because of you..if the video gets leaked its Allies fault

Sara: Yeah, you're really selfish think always bout your self..

Jamila: Yeah..

Me: So now yall want to blame me because of this..yall was involvt to..


Me: But (gco)

Jessie: NOW (crying)

I walked out of the house shocked that my bestfriends kicked me out of their house..I guess im not their favorite..

Phone convo:

Me: Mum can you pick me up? Im at Broadway Street 987

Mum: on my way..Are you ok sweetie?

Me: (tears up) Mum im ok just freezing cold out here..

Mum: Ok darling im on my way..

10 minutes later*

Mum: Get in the car..(opens the car)

Me: Thanks mom

Mum: Have you been crying?

Me: No..It was just really cold so my eyes got really teary..

Mum: Are you sure?

Me: Mum, its all (fake smiles)

5minutes later*

I got into my room so I showered and got into bed..

Mum: Goodnight

Me: Goodnight

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